IWD19 : Women In Tech In Northern Nigeria

WinTechNG Ng
4 min readMar 9, 2019


In honour of International Women’s Day, We will be highlighting Some young Women in Northern Nigeria, through their talent, leadership and vision, have broken the barrier to bring change in the region especially in the Tech ecosystem.

Name: Maryam Lawan Gwadabe

Occupation: Software Engineer/ Founder Blue Saphire Hub

Age: 28 Years

Can you tell us a little about what you do?

I founded the first female owned hub In Northern Nigeria Blue Sapphire Hub (Technology and Business Hub) under which several programmes, seminars, trainings, pre-incubation and mentorship are being carried out that are geared towards encouraging people across the dimensions of social strata, age and gender stereotyping to engage ICT and entrepreneurship by giving them an avenue that strives for up to date industry best practices where then can realize potentials and unleash latent abilities.

what are the challenges you’re facing in your career?

People within my community find it difficult to accept ICT opportunities, so it’s challenging when I try to enlighten them to register for a programme or venture into ICT entrepreneurship.

What advice would you give women looking forward to start a career in your sector?

Be determined and hardworking it’s not an easy ride. Just be ready for stones from different angles to be thrown at you but you can do it. You are a conqueror!

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women your age today?

Gender base violence, regardless of a woman’s education level or how empowered is she, 1 out of 3 still go through violence be it physical or emotional.

Do you think it’s important to have an International Women’s Day?

Yes, we have to celebrate our achievements.

What do you think is the advice can you give upcoming young women?

You have to stay strong, believe in yourself, be prayerful, know your worth, be determined, don’t stoop low to please anyone keep your shoulders up high and give your best, you shall excel by the grace of Allah.

Name: Aisha Tofa

Occupation: Entrepreneur/ Co-Founder Startup Kano

Age: 26

Can you tell us a little about what you do?

I’m a graduate of Bayero University Kano, Bsc Mass Communications, Co-founder Startup kano, an Ecosystem for tech and non tech entrepreneurs, A photographer, Managing partner Waves Advertising Ltd and lead the women founders group under Startup kano. I’m very passionate about women and youth, so my mission revolves around advocating for them!

What are the challenges you’re facing in your career?

My challenge is Awareness! its the hardest work, getting people to know what we do and be part of it!

What advice would you give women looking to start career in your sector?

One advice to someone who wants to go into the tech and entrepreneurship life or business is “patience” especially here in the North, people are not keen with it and are yet to know the sweetness of the fruit of it! so one has to be patient, consistence and persistence.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women your age today?

I really cant say what the biggest issue is but i know are few! Lack of support from our families, we don’t deeply believe we can do/achieve, and we lack confidence. i think these 3 are the biggest to me

Do you think it’s important to have an International Women’s Day?

Yes having an IWD is great because thats when the world takes the celebration of women at once, thats when hard work is being clapped for, and thats when motivation hits other women.

What advice can you give upcoming young women ?

My advice to young women is Never to seek for Validation from anybody because You are Enough and you can be/do whatever you want if you want to.

Name: Saadat Aliyu

Occupation: Software Developer/ Tech Community Builder

Age: 25

Can you tell us a little about what you do?

I am a software developer, Founder Amoora Tech Solutions( A Startup leveraging on providing solutions to environmental problems using Technology) and a Tech community builder. Im passionate about inclusion of women in technology.

What are the challenges you’re facing in your career?

Been Underestimated as a lady doing what men are doing. I have to prove myself always on what I can do.

What advice would you give women looking to start career in your sector?

Lots women believe its hard or you have to be a genius to be a software engineer but its all about how passionate and dedicated you will be. Come onboard lets change the tech ecosystem.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing women your age today?

Lack of focus, cultural beliefs and family support which plays a big role for women in my community.

Do you think it’s important to have an International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is very important considering times are changing and changing quite quickly. For women to be part of the journey we need to be acknowledged so that other women have role models.

What advice can you give upcoming young women ?

Don’t let anybody tell you what you can or cant do. When you set your mind on something, Do it!

Happy International Women’s Day!

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