The Enduring Relevance of jQuery in 2023: Why It’s Not Going Away and will never die

Winter Galaxy
3 min readJun 11, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of web development, jQuery has managed to maintain its relevance and popularity despite the emergence of newer JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

In 2023, jQuery continues to be a preferred choice for developers, finding its place in various projects. Let’s explore the reasons why jQuery is not dying and why it remains a reliable and valuable tool.


jQuery’s greatest advantage lies in its compatibility with different browsers and versions. It provides a unified API that simplifies cross-browser scripting, ensuring consistent behaviour across platforms. This compatibility makes it an ideal choice for projects that need to support older browsers or have specific browser requirements. Its wide compatibility enhances the usability and reach of applications built with jQuery.

Large Community and Resources

jQuery boasts a thriving community of developers who actively contribute to its ongoing development and support. This large community has created extensive documentation, tutorials, plugins, and forums, providing a wealth of resources for developers. The availability of such resources makes it easier for developers to learn, implement, and leverage the capabilities of jQuery. The supportive community ensures that developers can find assistance and solutions when working with jQuery.

Lightweight and Performance

jQuery’s lightweight nature is a significant advantage that allows websites to load quickly and efficiently. It focuses on essential features, providing optimized code that enhances performance and responsiveness. This efficiency makes jQuery a valuable choice, particularly in situations where full-scale frameworks might be overkill. The emphasis on lightweight code ensures a smooth user experience while minimizing resource consumption.

Simplified DOM Manipulation

One of jQuery’s groundbreaking contributions was simplifying DOM manipulation. It introduced a concise and intuitive syntax that enables developers to easily traverse and manipulate HTML elements, handle events, and create dynamic interactions. The simplicity and ease of use offered by jQuery’s selectors and methods make it an attractive choice for developers seeking efficient and productive development workflows. It significantly reduces the amount of code required for common tasks, resulting in faster development cycles.

Legacy Codebase

Many existing websites and applications were built using jQuery, and migrating them to newer frameworks can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, developers continue to maintain and extend jQuery-based projects. This ongoing usage ensures the longevity of jQuery and makes it a relevant choice in 2023. The extensive presence of jQuery in legacy codebases solidifies its position as a reliable and trusted tool.

Backward Compatibility

jQuery is committed to backward compatibility, allowing existing codebases to remain functional even with newer versions of the library. This commitment enables developers to update to the latest jQuery releases without worrying about breaking existing functionality. The emphasis on maintaining compatibility reassures developers that their investments in jQuery will remain intact and adaptable to future requirements.

Integration with Other Libraries and Frameworks

jQuery seamlessly integrates with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks, offering developers the flexibility to combine its strengths with the capabilities of other tools. This versatility allows developers to leverage the best features from different technologies and create powerful solutions. jQuery’s ability to integrate well within a broader ecosystem enhances its value and utility in web development projects.

While newer frameworks such as React, Vue.js, and Angular have gained popularity, jQuery continues to thrive in 2023 due to its unique strengths and long-standing presence.

Its compatibility, large community, lightweight nature, simplified DOM manipulation, legacy codebase, backward compatibility, and integration capabilities make it a reliable and valuable choice for developers.

jQuery’s longevity and versatility ensure that it remains a relevant tool in the web development landscape, providing a reliable solution for various development needs.

