Getting your computer set-up for Aptos — GCP

2 min readAug 31, 2022


You need to first get your computer set-up for Aptos in general — Follow steps here

This post is on how you get your set-up for Aptos nodes running on GCP.

Go to GCP and create an account. Google is offering a 90 day $300 free trial for every new user

Get all your CLI stuff sorted.

  1. First you need to install the google CLI

2. Next you need to get all the kubernetes stuff installed. You need to finish step one first

gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

^ Through the terminal is my preferred way of doing it.

3. Download your terraform

Brew install is the way to go here.

4. Download a code editor. You will thank me for this

Using something like Atom saves you having to do weird shit like edit text in a terminal via the vim function, which is honestly like pulling teeth.

