Reasons Why Technology is So Good to The Soul

Mohamed Sirag
8 min readDec 16, 2022


why technology is good

the benefits of technology for the soul

Face it, contemporary technology has received a poor rap over the last decade or so. It promotes sedentary living, wastes too much time, is impersonal, and stresses us out since, once we connect in, we’re always available.

However, there is an opposite. In addition to enhancing our lives, modern technology, such as the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, may link us to others in ways that the physical world cannot. You can use technology to locate long-lost pals and maintain contact with others who reside far away.

Being available 24/24 and 7/7 is far from great. … Set goals for the day and develop good online filtering habits so you can pay attention to what’s important and leave the rest for when you have time.

Modern technology has also paved the way for easy interaction with people from other cultures and social, economic or religious backgrounds. Technology can also be environmentally friendly. There were fewer trees felled for book printing and written communication. As more and more people work from home with computers and smartphones, there are fewer CO2-emitting cars on the roads.

However, like most things in life, technology must be used with a sense of public consciousness. It is important to dispose of all electronic waste through a recycling service so that toxins do not enter the environment. Online chat can never replace the warmth and comfort of pampering skin to skin. Social media addiction can create isolation and a sense of isolation in a world that you can’t really touch and feel on a three-dimensional level.

But one thing is certain: whether you love it or hate it, modern technology will definitely stay there for a Modern long time. Here are eight ways to make this work for you.

Hey, trendsetter!
According to the World Bank, 83% of Australians are Internet users, while New Zealanders are far behind (82.8%). Access to cutting-edge online technology means everyone can be aware of trends and events. And it’s not just people with thin hips who drink a double Mocha cocktail who can be socially savvy. Although the current e Kardashian ploits of the Kardashian clan may not be in your field of vision on social media, you can get the latest news with a few nimble keys.

Avoid pitfalls

Do not forget to walk to the beat of your drum. It’s nice to be a pioneer, not a trend follower. Knowing what current trends exist as soon as they appear does not mean that you have to follow them blindly. Celebrate your individuality, your uniqueness. After all, there is no one on the planet who is like you.

Anyone can access it
Information and knowledge, once gathered by flipping through dozens of encyclopedias or meticulously ordering yellowed newspapers or microfiche films, is now just a click away. Technology, for the most part, also leveled the playing field. We can all also be informed if we have technological interfaces or have access to them. Most of the information obtained via the Internet is free, including studies and reports, some of which previously could only be obtained with money to pay.

In addition, it can be anonymous. Do not you want the whole world to know that you are a collector of G. bambole Eba aspettando is waiting for you.

Avoid pitfalls

Do not believe everything you read, see or hear on the Internet. Take a look at credible information portals and look for information about them, rather than doing a thorough search on the Internet. Always check your credentials and look for specialized web

Cybersecurity expert Susan McLean says the Internet should never replace the voice of experts. “It can be great for general information, but you definitely wouldn’t believe the words And, if you use the Internet to get basic information, here’s Susan’s advice “” Try to find the same information on other sites. Good information will always be consistent and bad information will not be.

You can work in pajamas.
If you have never done this before, the true happiness of stumbling, getting out of bed, drinking coffee, putting on fluffy slippers and getting ready to leave should never be underestimated. Thanks to modern technology, you can be connected to your workplace by e-mail, phone or Modern, so that in some professions it becomes possible to work at home.

This “telecommuting” has also proven to be more profitable for companies. In a nine-month experiment at a NASDAQ-listed Chinese company, which employed 16,000 employees, half of the group worked at home four days a week, while the other half (the control group) spent all five days in the office. The performance of the group, which spent four out of five days at home, increased by 13%.

Avoid pitfalls

If you work at home, it’s important to take the time to socialize with others so you don’t find yourself in social isolation. Grab a coffee and chat with your colleagues and friends, make netor.

More free time
For decades, people have complained that their work-life balance needs to be reviewed. With modern technology, there are no more excuses. You can do more in less time. You don’t need to wait for email responses or call someone back-text messages, emails and mobile phones mean that, in theory, you can get instant responses.

It also allows you to make the most of wasted moments. Instead of standing in traffic breathing exhaust fumes, thanks to modern technology, you can listen to an ebook or turn up the volume on your tablet and sing your favorite song out loud (I guarantee you’ll make your fellow travelers smile!).

Avoid pitfalls

Well, since you have more time, this does not mean that you should spend it at work working even more. Getting off that hamster wheel is important. Spend the time you’ve saved by wisely using technology to do things that rejuvenate your mind and bring you joy. Arrange a date with the children, take a walk on the beach or take a walk in the rainforest. Do something fun and frivolous that has always been on your to-do list, but that you never had time for before. The possibilities are endless.

Create community
Technology allows us to communicate with other like-minded people. Online forums allow you to share experiences and learn from other people. They help you connect with other people, draw ideas, and even establish and build relationships with online communities, thus giving you a sense of interconnectedness.

Avoid pitfalls

Susan McLean says that while forums can be a positive idea, it’s also important to critically evaluate what you see and hear. “I see so many people catching every word from bloggers who spread misinformation,” “ he says. “Readers are often so addicted to the blogger that they believe everything he says.”

It is also important to use location services wisely. Think before you share information or meet your friends online and appreciate your privacy and personal limitations. If someone you met online asks you to step out of your comfort zone, don’t.

It makes us smarter
With information at our fingertips, we have access to much more information than before, which greatly expands the capabilities of our brain. Some applications can also change the way we think and learn. Clive Thompson, author of Modern Technology is Smarter than youthink

Avoid pitfalls

However, not everyone agrees with this. Assistant Professor Val Hooper and university student Channa Herat, researchers at Victoria University inell We tend to navigate fluently and, therefore, do not memorize as much information. A solution? Slow down and focus your thoughts so that you are really in the moment and that you can assimilate the information.

It is available anytime, anywhere
Did you just realize that you forgot to send someone a greeting card? Send them an e-card. Do you want to console a friend who has lost a loved one? Send flowers online. Do you feel that you need some spiritual wisdom at 2 in the morning? Google that.

The way the Internet is organized makes it easier to find what you want: tune in to meditation, visit a self-help group, access information. For students, this provides a rich learning environment that can be interactive and can also involve a wide range of learning styles. Some people are more visual, while others are more auditory; at the same time, others learn more through hands-on activities or word games.

Have you always wanted to go to university, but you can not take a day off from work or attend evening classes? Open learning at TAFE colleges and universities has created a whole new world of learning opportunities.

Avoid pitfalls

Some people experience a form of anxiety called a fear of missing something (FOMO) if they are not connected to the network. Experts tell us that this is one of the reasons why people become slaves to their technological gadgets.

Leslie Posen, a clinical psychologist who is particularly interested in technology in practice, says that disconnecting is normal. In fact, he says being available 24/24 and 7/7 is far from great. Her advice is to set goals for the day and develop good online filtering habits so you can pay attention to what’s important and leave the rest for when you have time.

“Take regular breaks and do some mindful exercises to keep up to date with what’s going on around you,” she says. “Take your dog for a walk in the park so he can socialize with other animals and people. You can always carry your phone in your pocket in case of emergency.

If you do not disconnect from the network, you may be a victim of cognitive or information overload that can affect not only your performance, but also your sleep mode. “You can not keep all the spinning plates in the air at the same time-something will be overlooked,” “ says Posen.

It can be beneficial for your physical health!
With fitness apps tracking the number of steps you take each day and apps counting kiloo With apps like S StopAp It Don’t Stop It, you can make smarter food choices, and with apps like Fitness Builder you can access exercise images. There are a variety of gadgets, gadgets and guides on the Internet to help you elegantly pump your abs. Technology heralded the advent of a new era in fitness.

Avoid pitfalls

Apps can help you improve, as long as you use them! Technology can also promote inactivity, as users are sitting chained to screens instead of doing active tasks. According to a 2014 report by the Australian Medical Association on ph act

an Ian Turner, nutritionist and physiologist at NuActive Health, says that with the global proliferation of social media, it’s becoming easy to compare yourself to others, which can contribute to anxiety and fuel unhealthy competition. “Girls in particular can feel body image pressure. At this point, there is a trend on Facebook where some girls are photographed with bare pelvic bones and a concave belly. It’s bad for your health, “ he says.

There is also a danger that some aspects of multimedia offer a versatile approach to fitness, adds Turner. “Facebook friend’s meds you certainly wouldn’t take, but many people wouldn’t hesitate to go on a diet with a Facebook friend,” he says.

Best technologies
So where will we go in five, ten, fifty years? Self-driving cars, space solar panels, videos and lab-grown internal organs are just the beginning.

Some will drive you crazy!

Brain-computer interfaces are computers that can read and interpret signals directly from the brain! 3D printing, adding layers until an exact copy of the real object is formed. Thick computer screens with paper. They can turn a mirror, a window, anything, into a computer screen. High-tech pillows to monitor brain activity, show dreams and even allow people to share dreams. On the green front, there are solar-powered keyboards, flying wind farms, ways to convert waste heat into clean green energy, and jet aircraft that will fly biofuels against weeds

