Wisdom Etim
6 min readNov 9, 2021



Itsmyne is a multifunction modernly utilised marketplace where licensed NFT tokens can found. Itsmyne is more than just a marketplace, it is has a social function which allow everyone to chat and relate with their favourite athletes. Athletes can also sell their tickets in the marketplace enabling them to have direct contact with people. Assorted, rare and highly valued NFTs can be found Itsmyne ecosystem.


I’ve mentioned NFTs a few times in the introduction above. If you are a type that listens to or watches world news, you may have come across the term NFT which perhaps, you may not have really comprehended. Don’t worry, read this article carefully as an NFT is clearly explained step by step.

The abbreviation "NFT" represent 'Non Fungible Token. As the name implies, it conveys the idea that it cannot be copied,faked, substituted, interchanged or replaced. NFT tokens is always unique and authentic as the sole right of such materials belong only to the original owner of the material. What material am I talking about here? Your expectations are not farfetched. When we talk of nft token, it can be anything creative like piece of digital art, videos, music etc. Once you material is listed as an NFT, no one in the Earth can steal it. It cannot u authoritatively reproduced. Therefore a lifetime ownership of the material is guaranteed owing to the implementation of blockchain technology where information pertaining to onwership right of such materials are safely stored for Authentication and quality purposes.

In the past few years , NFT marketplace has drawn a lot attention of even the most prominent individuals in the world owing to unprecedented benefit it offers. According to report, as of March 2021 alone, the word digital nft marketplace hit a massive sale of $69 million. This figure isn’t stagnated as it significant growth has captured the attention of so many individuals to turn their skills into money as they embrace the nft market day by day. This growth has been as a result of essential features such as uniqueness, transparency, provenance and rarity of NFTs. Scroll down to learn about the most introspective benefits of NFTs.

* Ownership Right: The fundamental benefits of NFTs is the ownership right where the sole right of ownership is reserved for the original owner alone. No one else else can claim your material as the blockchain stores information about the right. To be honest, NFT ensure that you own the exact thing and have possession over value.

*Authenticity Of Material: This is another characteristic that make an NFT a real gem. The value of each nft is determined by the unique it possesses. NFT are vested with the authority of exercising a prerogative on a particular number of NFTs to be supplied in order to enhance scarcity and optimize the value of each NFT. People might try to outsmart the authenticity of a certain nft by creating several replicas to look like the original. But the truth is that the immutability of a blockchain based NFT makes it completely immune to modifications, removal or replacement. This ability makes an NFT to proof it authenticity aas the most invaluable material.
Tradability: Digital gallery are made available in the digital currency exchange market for storage, buying and selling of NFTs. This has made it for people to store their favourite NFTs, buy and as well sell them for cool Profit. Itsmyne is one of such marketplace with optimum value.


Itsmyne marketplace is an immense platform for listing, trading, buying and selling of NFTs. Although all types of NFTs can be traded Sport NFTs is specifically mentioned here because so many sport NFTs can be found here since the sport industry has driven interest of so many people, sport NFTs tokens will be listed here so for trading. 
Traders worldwide can trade in the Itsmyne to enjoy the full benefits of this project. Itsmyne ecosystem aim at improving the marketplace for users to trade easily. You may wonder if this marketplace will be simple to use! The Itsmyne ecosystem is simpler to use than you may ever imagined. To start with, Itsmyne support you from the very inception by assisting you to set up your account and grant you full access to NFT collectibles and a seamless trading experience. Everything in Itsmyne ecosystem is transparent. There’s also a social feature which allows the entire community of traders, collectors, buyers and sellers to collectively relate their experience with one another to further improvement of the platform.
Here’s the most prominent features of Itsmyne technology;

Mint function: Itsmyne marketplace implement a mint function which allows for NFT collectibles from the right source to guarantee authenticity.

Green energy : Itsmyne is utilized on the NEAR blockchain. This blockchain use very little energy for transactions. This allows for the ecosystem to kept in clean and usable conditions.

Flexibility: The Itsmyne ecosystem is a super flexible marketplace even with zero minting cost, sport influencers would be able to price their own nfts at their best rate. it will also be accessible and affordable to fans who can pay through Fiat or a digital currency.

Shared ownership: At Itsmyne market place, ownership of a certain material can be fractionated among friends and fan to co-own and also earn profit in a highly valued NFTs but can only be done via the complete consent of the original owner.

Premier entry: The Itsmyne trading place is more than just a parking place as it provides a social medium where fans can have special opportunity of meeting their favourite sport person this is possible because of special and exclusive ticket which will be available where fans can virtually or corporealy meet their favourite athletes during games team party, invitations, special screening and more.

Itsmyne mobile application: mobile app would soon be developed for Itsmyne platform. The mobile app promises to be a genuine and unique one since it is designed by highly intelligent app developers. Soon it will be available both on play store and Apple store. It is designed to support many devices including Android iOS and other operating system.

Ecosystem token: the item an ecosystem is backed by MYNE TOKEN ($MYNE). Users, collectors and traders can collect this token which have a burning feature and a reliable liquidity that will make it value to surge unpredictably.

In summary, Itsmyne is more than just a trading platform, it is a social community that empowers sport fans discuss about the opportunities, manage their portfolios and get practical market insight. It will also keep the nft marketplace clean and green because of the NEAR block chain that it is being built upon which consumes very little votenergy during the meeting process.
At Itsmyne, privacy connection, community discussion are highly prioritised. Opportunities are granted to users to virtually or physically meet with their favourite all-time athletes. cool innovative stuffs are also going to be continually added to meet the needs of modernized technology even into the future. mint function is also active in the Itsmyne ecosystem. Full collectibles and the social media function is fully utilised.






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Wisdom Etim

Content writer/manager | Digital marketer | Community manager | Fluent speaker of English Language | Crypto influencer | Web3 Advocate.