Etsy Shop Launch

Wise Owl Quotes
1 min readFeb 13, 2020


First a website, then a podcast, and now an Etsy shop… you’re mad I here you say!

Yes that’s right, we have just launched an Etsy shop, which you can find here

The purpose of this shop is two-fold…

  1. To help people (you lovely people) buy famous wise quotes. These wall art quotes can be placed on your walls at home, office or shop. Your friends, family, neighbours will be very impressed.
  2. To make Wise Owl Quotes an income stream, without this we just won’t be able to grow and maintain the site.

We only have handful of wall art quotes in the shop at the moment.

The most popular one so far seems to be this Knowledge Is Power wall art quote.

More wall art quotes will be uploaded every week.

If there is any famous quotes you would like to hang on you wall just let us know, and we may consider making it.



Wise Owl Quotes

Discovering the wisest quotes known to man (and woman)