Enumerate Subdomains Using Sublist3r: A Penetration Tester’s Guide

3 min readNov 22, 2023



As a penetration tester, one of the first steps I take when assessing a target is to enumerate its subdomains. Subdomains are essentially additional domain names that point to a specific website or service hosted under the main domain. Identifying subdomains is crucial for discovering potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

The Significance of Subdomain Enumeration

Before we dive into the technical details, let’s grasp why subdomain enumeration is a linchpin in our cybersecurity endeavors. Subdomains, those often overlooked prefixes that precede the primary domain name, are like hidden doors in the vast labyrinth of digital landscapes. They frequently harbor vulnerabilities overlooked by others. Identifying and meticulously analyzing subdomains empowers us to fortify our defenses and preempt potential breaches.

Meet Sublist3r

Sublist3r is a powerful tool that can be used to automate the process of enumerating subdomains. It is an open-source Python script that utilizes various techniques to gather subdomain information from various sources, including search engines, passive DNS databases, and social media platforms.

In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Sublist3r to enumerate subdomains and effectively gather information for your penetration testing engagements.

Step 1: Setting the Stage

Install Sublist3r: Ensure Sublist3r is installed on your Kali Linux machine. You can do this using the package manager or by downloading it from the official repository.

sudo apt install sublist3r

Step 2: Verify the Installation

Verify the installation by running the following command:

sublist3r -h

This should display the help information for Sublist3r.

Step 3: Commence the Scan

Run the following command to enumerate subdomains for a specific target domain, for example the target domain is example.com

sublist3r -d example.com

Step 4: Analyzing the Findings

Once you have the list of subdomains, you can analyze them to identify potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Categorize subdomains: Identify the purpose of each subdomain, such as web applications, APIs, or internal services.
  2. Check for web servers: Use tools like Nmap or Nessus to scan subdomains for open ports and web servers.
  3. Identify vulnerabilities: Utilize vulnerability scanners like Nikto or OpenVAS to scan subdomains for known vulnerabilities.
  4. Perform manual testing: Manually test discovered vulnerabilities to confirm their existence and assess their severity.


Enumerate subdomains is an essential step in penetration testing, providing valuable insights into the attack surface of a target organization. Sublist3r is a powerful tool that can automate this process and help you gather comprehensive information for your assessments. Remember, effective vulnerability discovery and assessment require a combination of automated tools and manual techniques.

