cyber security,
7 min readSep 25, 2022




CYBER SECURITY IS The work of a defend a computers,connections, and digital mobile devices ,electronic machines and networks,

Cyber security is the applications of a modern and digital technology.and a process to control and safe system networks ,programmes ,mobile, devices to save from cyber hittings.

Cyber security aim to minimize the risk of cyber hits.and a save from unauthorized expoliatio of a programmes .networkes and technologies.

Cyber security also refer to as an information technology .security or electronic knowledge security .

Cyber security measure it particullerlley challenging now a day because there are a more digital devices then a human being and a attacker became a more active.

A good cyber security approach a multiple layer of a save spread across the digital networks,and systems, or a data that intends to keep safe a sources.

A use of a technology procedure process and to maintain the defence again a cyber attackes on a programmes networks devices and a data is also called a cyber security.

Cyber security is the saver of computer system and programmes networkes from the theft of a damage on their softwere and hardwere electronic data as well from distruption or misdirection of service they can be able.

Cyber security is the bulding block of a technology used to save the integrity of a networkes systems and data from damage the function of a cyber security attach a saving knowledge and programmes from a big cyber warnings.and cyber warnings take a many forms applications hittings malware, ransomware, phishing,exploit kits.

Cyber security is a very benefitted to a government and military , and medical instructions ,

Collect process and added unprecedented amount of data on computers and other digital mobile devices .these institution transmit sensible data along a networkes and to other devices in a course of making a business .

And a cyber security explain a well menered dedication to safe that data and asystem used to process added on it.

A cyber security can be difine as a confuse security and safe off all the data preset in a computer system.such as hardwere ,softwere in an electronic machine,

Cyber security is a very much demanded for a large enemies .now were human beings feel that their data is saved .but there is an maximize in hackers who will ready to demage their company.

Cyber security is the pharase split into two words ;cyber and security; security means well to secure our digital system.

Cyber security has a large and strong will to access and store our information /data,

And connection to the internet which is commanlly or a regullery called a virtual world ,

Cyber security is the art of defined a virtual information of devices etc.

Working of cyber security ?

Cyber security is a security of an public private local hybrid order to canfuse the secure exchange of knowledge on covers each an every devices concern to the network as well as softwere installation.

Cyber security contains a large no of multiple layers techniques solution ,process, and policies ,it is different to cover the aspects of a cyber security.

Cyber security is an about saving of an indiviuals and insitutions from a cyber attack .

Cyber security is a lot like a better detection work .cyber security refers to a human body techniques , process,programmes,and practices design to save a networkes and a data from attack to damage the access.

Facts of a cyber security?

The new knowledge about security and a cyber security faces the 15 cyber security facts and statics.

3 organization in 2016 the government retail the techniques the resean is not needed because the organization are a minimumm diligent to their savity of a custemers persnel information .

There are a good famous achivements because of the good level of persnel identy data in a record.there are a hacker hits in every 39 seconds .

A clark school study at the university of a Maryland is one of the presently quantify the near constantly the rate of hackers hits of a digital devices computers in with internal access on a average 39 seconds affected one in three American every year.

43% of a cyber attack usually aim to hit of a small business . and 64% of a organization have a well trained web based hitting.

62% trained phishing and social engenering hits,

59% of a campanies a well trained malicious code and botnets have,

51% of a trained denial of service attackes,

Minimum companies (there are 500 workers).spent on average of a $. 7.68 per a record case.

Since covid -19 the us of fbi report a 300% maximum case is reported in a cyber crime .as it is summer the record will be a 12.377 covid releated scams.

Causes of cyber security?

Cyber security is the needed of result of a cyber crime and cyberwarfare .

Cyber security is directly safe a digital assests based on a risk from a two methods of hittings.

According to the study of (IBM) human fault is the main cause of a 95% of a cyber security breaches.

A cyber attack happen when cyber criminals use to have a illegal access of a digital devices or a programmes. The good familer reasean is to steel the persnell sensitive information from one to another users and exploit if the hitter is benefitted .

When cyber attack happen depend on a type of a nature of a attacker .usually cyber hitters an oppertunitable the hitter are investigate and try to identify for a potential vulnerabilities that he approach is another method of cyber attack to send a malicious attack like in emails and other way forms seems like a sources .

The users click the links and a data is compromised this is known as phishing.

Cyber security is an almost at a risk and there is nothing absoloutly nothing that can any one change.

Cyber security is an on going achivements u will find a hole pluge in it the go to find a next (all system are secure) .

Importane of cyber security?

In to day s connectivity world s every one can be benefitted from an advance cyber defense programmes and networkes .

An individual level of an cyber security hitting can result an every thing from identity theft to exort attempt and a less of an important store a knowledge .like a persnel family photos videos etc.

Written by an (Sharon shea) (alexend gills) .

Cyber security is a saver of an internet access and a connectivity systems like a hard were ,softwere and protect knowlrdge from a cyber warrnings.

A strong and a good cyer security can be able to give him a good /and save security system with maximize the level of a users or a devices ,programmes in a modern interprises combined and with increase the deluge of a knowledge such like confidential ,or important or sensitive .the cost of a cyber security is increased level in very high.

Example of cyber security?

ENCRYPTION,(is a knowledge ,storage ,trasit and used).

AUTHENTICATION(is savely identification).

AUTHRIZATION(to intrduce the meanings).

NETWORK SECURITY(is secure network).

Technalogies such as network perimeter every thing in our modern life styles is most commonly depends on a technology .

The level of a technology Is evaluate also meant by technology ,promotions are only acceleratings .

The connections and codes are formel are both weakend or vulneranilities from un sure internets ,protocoals, and artificial intelligence.

Cyber security is a important beasause a fundamental requirements to un sure that a technology that proceded our lives are as a save a sure that which is not a safe.

Conclusion of cyber security?

Our to day s world realize that an technology became a high level business and a government added a good/ better opportunity of a data on computers and a loptops ,transmitted it across all network.

The another digital devices and they under the systems have vulnerabilities that expoliated

The health objective of corporation a cyber security hits may include every things from a fraud .

And money extortion to the less off .

A unified warnings managements system can be automatic integration across select ciso security product and accelerate a security key oprations ,functions , detections, investigations etc.

Users must understand and comply with basic data security principle like chosing a strong paswords being wary of attached in e mail and abacking up a data process.

Results of cyber security ?

ACCORDING to the 2020 study by (MCAFEE AND CSIS ) based on a data collect by (vanson bourne ) the world economy losses more then $ 1 trillion each year due to cyber crime.

A strong cyber security can be able to to give him a good security design to acess alter, delete, destroy, or extort an organizations, and a users system and sensitive information .

Cyber security is also an instrumental in preventing attackes that aim to disable or disrupt a system or devices oprations.

Human intelligence and explanations is the best savity again phishing hits.

According to the cofense throwting phishing attempts became minimum to users opinion behaviour is understandable is better way to save your business against some of the used way to hacking process.

Approximately $ 6 trillion is expecting to be a spend worldly on a cyber security by 2021 companies nessesery to made a fundamental change in their approach to cyber security .

Connected to 1ot machines will reach 75 billion by 2025.

The 10t markets due to reach 31 billion connection machines in this year in 2022 and by 2025 it will bee roughly 75 billion 10t devices.

According to the(HIPAA JOURNEL) 83 breaches were attributed to hacking knowledge technology case and 9.662.820 records were expose in breach.

9.7 million records in health care records were compromised in September 2020.

The globel average cost of a data breach is $3.9 million across smbs.

Since is more is stake on a reguller or a maximum

