Learing Not Only From Books

Made Wisma
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


My Way to Study

When you hear the word learning, most of it will definitely be focused on the book. But not for me, when I study just by reading books or reading power point, I only focus for 15–20 minutes. I will sleepy even fall asleep after reading a book or power point. Then, how do I study ??

I likes learning when learning is accompanied by practice or giving examples of the theories given, because practice will make us understand how the theory applies. Aas a prospective technician, when I learn to rely solely on reading a book or reading an article it will only increase my knowledge not on skills and abilities. When you don’t understand don’t be shy to ask the lecturer or friend and immediately practice or ask for an example to make it easier to understand.

How to Learn Navigation Equipment?

One of the navigation equipment which I like is DVOR. I started studying dvor when I entered in third semester. This tool is very interesting because there are many antennas to give the aircraft an information signal about the position of the aircraft. Initially when I was taught about the theory of DVOR and given a block diagram of the signal’s trip from the DVOR, I had difficulty understanding it because I had to imagine a tool that I didn’t know. But when practicing in the lab and followed by a visit to the airport I became aware of DVOR, because there I could know how the tool worked and I also knew the parts of the tool included the function of the parts.

So don’t be afraid to try and practice new things, broaden your horizons with lots of trying and don’t be shy to ask.

