Swap tutorial — Give me my Wispr!

Wispr Blockchain Technology
4 min readDec 16, 2017

Before you swap, please make sure that you are on the right ESP2 chain!

1. Install the Wispr Wallet

The first you will have to do is install the Wispr wallet. You can download the wallet here. Reminder: do not forget to backup your wallet.dat!


Download the .zip file from our website and extract the files. Open the wispr-qt file to open our wallet. Your antivirus software might give you a warning, as it does for most wallets. If you can’t run the wallet, please turn off your antivirus software. If you want to be sure that the file contains no viruses, you can always check it for viruses online at Kapersky or Virustotal.

Windows wallet

Now you should go to the ‘receive’ tab, copy your Wispr address and move to step 2.


Edit: The Wispr wallet for Mac is now available on our website!

  1. Clone the GitHub tree to get the source code: git clone https://github.com/WisprProject/core wispr
  2. Download and install MacPorts from http://www.macports.org/
    (2a) For 10.7 Lion — Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf and uncomment “build_arch i386”
  3. Install dependencies from Macports → sudo port install boost db48 openssl miniupnpc
    (Optionally) install qrencode (and set USE_QRCODE=1):
    sudo port install qrencode
  4. Now you should be able to build wisprd:
    cd wispr/src
    make -f makefile.osx

    Run: ./wisprd — help # for a list of command-line options.
    Run: ./wisprd -daemon # to start the wispr daemon.
    Run: ./wisprd help # when the daemon is running, to get a list of RPC commands.

After you have compiled the wallet, please proceed to step number 2.


  1. Before we start it’s good to know the system is running the latest software, we do this by running the command: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. After we’re done updating we need to install a few new packages in order to fetch, compile and run the wispr node. We install these packages by running the command: sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libqt4-dev libminiupnpc-dev git -y
  3. Now after installing these packages we are able to download the latest version of the Wispr source-code, but before we do that we need to make sure you’re working in the right directory by typing the command: cd ~
    You’ll change your working directory to the user’s home-location.
  4. To download the latest code type: git clone https://github.com/WisprProject/core.git
  5. Now type: ‘cd core/src’ to change your working directory to the wallet’s source-code folder.
  6. Enter the follow line: ‘make -f makefile.unix’ in order to start compiling the code.
    Sidenote: if your system has more than 1 core you can append ‘-j2’ to the line to let the make process use two cores instead of just one (this increases the speed of compiling).

TODO, wisprd is compiled but needs configuring.

  1. After compiling is done the wallet needs some configuration, run the following two commands: ‘mkdir ~/.wispr’ and ‘nano ~/.wispr/wispr.conf’ in order to open/create the wallet’s configuration file.
  2. While in the text editor type the following lines
    rpcuser=#your name#
    rpcpassword=#some password#
    (Note: replace the # # notations for something else)
  3. Now press ctrl + o to save the file and ctrl + x to close the editor.
  4. Now it’s time to start up the wallet by running: ‘./wisprd

You’re now running a wispr node!
You can now access your node by typing ‘./wisprd followed by a command’ for example: ‘./wisprd getinfo’.

2. Fill in the form on our website

When you have your own WSP address you should head to the swap page on our website and fill in the form.

Please fill in this form on our swap page.

Copy your Wispr address (can be found under the ‘receive’ tab in the wallet) into the ‘Wispr destination address’ bar — this is the address on which you will receive your WSP. We also require you to give us either your email address or your Telegram handle so we can contact you in case something goes wrong. Furthermore, feel free to leave a comment for us. If you have done so, proceed by clicking the blue button ‘submit my swap request’.

After you have submitted your swap request you will see the following page:

Find out your ESP2 deposit address.

Here you can find an automatically generated ESP2 address. This is where you have to deposit your ESP2 (make sure that you don’t copy the blinking cursor symbol!). ONLY SEND 1 TRANSACTION PER ESPERS ADDRESS. IF YOU NEED TO MAKE A TEST TRANSACTION, REQUEST A NEW ESPERS ADDRESS USING THE FORM AFTERWARDS.

After you have sent your ESP2 to this address you are done! Your swap will be processed by one of our members within 24 hours. Please make sure to double check the address that is given and make sure that you send your funds to the right address!

If you haven’t received anything after 24 hours, you should contact us on social media (Twitter, Facebook) or via Telegram and Discord. The total amount of swapped WSP can be found on the swap page.

Thank you very much,

The Wispr team.

