When masternodes!? — Community Update #2

Wispr Blockchain Technology
4 min readJan 17, 2018

Dear Wispr community,

It’s already been more than two weeks since we last updated you on the progress we made, so we thought it is about time to give you some insights in what the team has been up to!

CryptoBridge listing
On January 7 we made our debut on the exchange of CryptoBridge, a fully decentralized exchange. We have been very pleased with the volume in the first weeks, CryptoBridge even told us we had the highest volume on the first day for a non Japanese coin! After the first few days the volume decreased somewhat, and the price now seems to have stabilized. It does give us great joy to see that from the 25.3 million WSP in circulation, more than 19 million WSP are staking. That is over 76%, meaning the HODL force is strong!

We are still working on getting WSP listed on other exchanges by the way. Help us getting listed on COBINHOOD by voting for us here!

Website updates
@Raudii has been working on updating the website with some new features. For example, we have now included a section on the front page showing our latest Tweets and Medium posts.

Website updated with latest news

Furthermore we are working on translating our website into more than 8 different languages to maximize our potential reach to non English speaking users. Last but not least we have updated the FAQ; if you are still missing a question that should be there be sure to tell us on Telegram or on Discord!

Bounty Program
As you might know we have reserved a total of 1.000.000 WSP to hand out during our Bounty campaign. We are busy preparing this campaign, and it should launch, as planned, in the upcoming weeks. If you have any suggestions for the bounty program, feel free to send us a message, we will take it into account.

One of our awesome web developers, @xtermx, has been building a faucet in the form of a website where we will allow people to register and get free WSP in return. Once registered you will receive a ref link, allowing every user to promote WSP to their friends, family and other crypto enthousiasts. In return for sharing this link you will receive a percentage of future faucet giveaways. We are currently testing the workings of the faucet website and will launch it hand in hand with our bounty campaign!

Beta version of the faucet website

There have been a lot of questions from the community regarding masternodes and unfortunately we haven’t been able to answer all those questions. For example, we have not decided the amount of collateral needed to run a masternode, nor have we decided its payouts. To give you a rough idea, we plan on having our masternode testnet up and running towards the end of February, followed by the official launch of masternodes on the mainnet at the end of Q1 2018. We would like to remind you that masternodes will have a very important function in our end product which is why we have to thoroughly test them prior to release.

We get a lot of questions about when we will be listed on CoinMarketCap. The answer is simple, we don’t know. We have filled in the request on the same day as our listing on CryptoBridge and have been following up ever since, unfortunately without any result. We will keep pushing them to list us, as we think it’s very important for the expansion of the Wispr community! In the meantime we do want to give a shout out to Wisprwhale on Twitter for posting the following picture to CoinMarketCap.

We are preparing to send out some goodies to our community, but we are still waiting for a lot of items before we can start sending the packages. Please check out this sneak preview down below:

Custom Wispr keycap

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Please follow us on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook and Discord and be sure to spread our story to everyone you know!


The Wispr team

