Celebrating The Month of Love When You’re Single AF!

2 min readFeb 10, 2020


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Life has a weird way of building us up and humbling our a — s . Our unique journey will involve three things, for sure — change, loss and love.

Most people attempt to guard themselves and protect their heart from the intimate yearnings of love, but it’s inevitable. The stars align nightly, whether we see them or not, so when we fail to take heed to what the universe is trying to steer us toward, or away from, we’re bound get our feelings hurt. But when we avoid all the blatant signs, the universe will utilize its most obvious and readily available resources — people.

People have a way of helping us grow, albeit a good or bad experience. One thing is for sure, when love throws a line, it will leave a mark. When the marks of love are prevalent, how does a single person celebrate in the month of love? I don’t know how others celebrate, but for me… it comes back to writing. I’ve recently come across many positive love stories and how to’s on attracting love. But where’s the reflection? A deep writer, I am not. But in this life reflection and growth go hand-in-hand.

Over the next few weeks, I will share a few letters that frame My Heart’s Content: A Memoir of Love Letters & Lessons; a project that has helped me acknowledge the beauty in love shared and love lost. I’ve come to learn that love is fluid and it’s not something we should run from…

…these letters are marks of my own.




Bull City Native | Habitual Reader | Using Words To Create Vibes | Living and Traveling | Lover of All Intellectual Discussions