Tahina Lalaina Rason
1 min readApr 9, 2016


I was one of the first skater in Antananarivo. Began riding in 2k1, the first time I went to “Avs” is 2k3. It was rad!!! I remember that the few only trick I could landed at that time was the basic ollie, the pop shove-it and a poor fakie ollie, while the guys on the ground landed some flips and varials, AND USED THE handmade and foldable RAIL!!!!! There was some guys I knew well (and still my friends till today) like Tojo, Jerry, Thierry, Ludovic, Jean-Charles, Joyce and Tinady. Ooow and I know who is Kanto, one of our buddy :)

We used to ride all the streets of Tana, searching for a spot (Tana Water Front, St-Antoine High School,…). One of our stuff was to ride downhill, from Ambondrona to Andravoahangy ambany. I remember that night (@ 11 PM!!! ^^’) where me, Jerry, Thierry and Tojo took our car and decks and riding the big downhill from Faravohitra to Ampandrana!!! Rad moments!!!

By the way, the Skate scene at that time was pretty intense in the manner where all the riders knew each other and we all learn the same tricks at the same time ^^’

Great times!!!! nuff said ;)

P.S: the gap picture was actually taken at the CCAC, not Connex ;)

