Important Resources for web Develoment journey (part 1)

Bhavnish Bhardwaj
2 min readNov 10, 2022


I am in the middle of my journey to learn Web Development and i came across some useful websites which might be useful for you as well.

Web development is growing much faster then before there many frameworks which are released every year but the core concept will be the css and javaScript in web development all the new frameworks are based on these two cherrys. If you master on these two cherrys then its really easy for you to learn and implement any frameworks.

Now in this blog I’m sharing some of the important Resources regarding Web Development and specifically on the topics that web think difficult to understand.


This is a Great website called for learning HTML

HTML is something that is first step towards your web development career and this website contains all you need about web development. This website includes all the important tags sorted alphabetically you can start html from this website.

2. CSS

learn css from this great website called

After learning html its time to deep dive in css and understand how the website designed beautifully as you see on the internet. Css is must to know do not jump on tailwind and bootstrap without learning css.

CSS — Display Cheatsheet

this is great resource for learning css Display properties

If struggle with Css Display Property which might looks tricky. So head to this website and try to Visualize Display properties.

