Mummy ME time

3 min readMay 9, 2017

I am a busy mum looking to remember the important things in life, family, friends, pets……. job, nannies, paying bills, feeding the kids, dressing/undressing the kids, house chores (let’s be honest, the washing is a full time job in itself!), school run, kids homework, bedtime stories and finally: us mums.

How easy it is to forget ourselves in the moment, in life.

Life without kids was still busy but straight forward enough to be yourself, to think about you (to use the toilet in privacy). Once the kids arrived, time just goes in a blur, as if we were being tossed around in a washing machine. Sucked into life. How many times have you brushed all the kids hair and the dog’s but forgotten to brush yours?

I am on a mission to go back to nurturing ourselves. 5 mins even, to have that cup of tea uninterrupted. To go back to your passion, dreams or whatever you put away in the imaginary cupboard until the kids start nursery, school or uni!

By being mindful and kind to yourself, I want to invite you to ‘free guilt’ yourself, basically give yourself permission to a much needed ME time to help you be the best you can be, for you and your family.

If we can make ourselves happy we can share that happiness with our family and our family with our friends and our friends with the community – the change starts with us.

I would like to invite you to engage in my mindful mission because…

  1. Instead of being selfish you can be ‘sharefish’ and be part of our ‘motherhood’ community to inspire each other. To share your tips and to help other mums on their journey to be happier.
  2. I’m not a parenting site (there won’t be any advice on weaning or lectures on how to be a better parent), as I want you to reconnect with yourself and take a break from parenting but can we leave the kids completely out? We are mums after all and they are part of us. Even so, I would like my blog to be a destination to find mindfulness and inspiration!
  3. Life can be chaotic at times but ME time has to happen.
  4. Let’s face it, life is busy. A bit of escapism is good for us. Exercise, meditation, delicious food, mindfulness are all a great recipe for the soul – a nice life.
  5. Finally, because I believe the little things in life are the most precious! I would like to encourage all of us to be present in the moment and appreciate what we have, to find beauty in the little things and fleeting moments even if they are far from perfect!

That’s it. I hope you enjoy the honesty and simplicity. If you leave feeling a little bit less stressed, a little bit inspired for having read one of my blogs, I would feel I have a achieved my mission – to help one mum at a time.

Please find me on:

