Short Interview with Anna Coe, Fitness Trainer at Buggyfit and Mums in Shape.

5 min readAug 9, 2017


Hello Anna, please can you introduce yourself and what do you do for a living?

I am a women’s specialist fitness trainer and pelvic floor and core restoration coach. That means I help women who have pelvic floor issues, tummies badly effected by pregnancy and also offer regular personal training, Buggyfit classes and fitness classes inside and out.

Why did you choose to work as a personal trainer? And how did you train for the role?

I started training to be a Fitness Instructor 17 years ago, I had two small children and have loved working out during and after my pregnancies in a specialist class — I knew from then that that was what I wanted to do. Since then I have never stopped training and developing my skills. I still train regularly with the guru of all things ‘women’ Jenny Burrell.

What is the most exciting thing about your role?

I love the fulfilment my role gives me — there is nothing that gives me more pleasure than to see a client emerge from a place of feeling low about her body to being strong, confident and able to do any exercises she wants to do. I’ve had clients who can’t live full lives because of their pelvic floor issues, others who are limited by anxiety issues and many who have been feeling low about the way they look. These issues are often easily solved — it’s just about having the right knowledge couple with understanding and support.

I know you work closely with other mums inspiring them to improve their fitness and health. How do you find that aspect of your job?

It’s all about the fun — no one is going to stick to a class or regime that is deathly boring. My sessions are always fun — I want my clients to feel that they have had a day/night out with the girls with lots of fun and laughter as well as a great and effective workout.

Do you have any tips for mums looking into changing careers to personal training?

Yes, of course — there is no doubt it has to be a major interest of yours if you are going to be able to get through the trickier times — if you love your exercise and are pretty extrovert it could be a good one for you. Look around for a course that is fairly long, some PT courses can be a few weeks and they just won’t cut it, you are dealing with people and their well being — you have to know your stuff! It’s a wonderful job to fit around a family — I now have four children and with the last two I never left them for more than a couple of hours at a time and even then not very often. You will never be a rich PT but are likely to be a fit and happy one!

Now for the great juggle questions… How do you manage your time between family and work?

Ahh this is such a big one isn’t it?! Now my children are older and the youngest is about to go to senior school I’m hoping I’ll do a better job! There is quite a lot of admin/prep with the type of training I do. I employ other trainers and an administrator although still do a lot of marketing etc. I seem to go through cycles of taking on too much, feeling overwhelmed then reeling it back in again and the cycle starts again — so not very well is the short answer.

How often do you have some me-time, let’s say in the space of a month..? What do you do to unwind in the evenings?

This is something that I have learnt recently is VITAL for so many reasons and it is something we work on in the Holistic Core Restore programmes. If I’m honest I never used to have any which isn’t good for anyone. Now I have prioritised it and my big passion is walking. I move heaven and earth to go and hike in the Surrey Hills with a friend every other week in term time. I try every now and then to get my eye brows waxed or nails done but that’s sporadic and now we are in the enviable position of not needing a baby sitter after 19 years myself and my husband Alan are making up for lost time and love to go out and eat.

How do your husband and children best support you to get some self-care?

Hmm — my husband is encouraging but at the same time we are pretty busy with a house build and managing our large brood, I tend to make sure my me time is when the kids are at school then my husband goes out and does his exercise/socialising in the evenings, that suits me.

What are your tips for busy mums trying their best at balancing family and work?

This is so important and I cannot claim to have got it right when my kids were younger but having worked with thousands of women who have families over the years and I am absolutely wedded to the idea that your family NEED to witness you taking care of your own needs some of the time. This is important for your own well being but also modelling for their futures too. If they see that you are sometimes the priority (it doesn’t hurt your other half to see this too!) then they are more likely to occasionally put themselves first when they are in the same position as you. You need them to grow up and know that everyone is important and not just them, they need this for their own well being long term and so do you.

How long have you lived in Surrey? Can you tell us what you like most about it and is there a particular family friendly place which you visit often and would like to recommend?

Actually, I have lived in London and Belfast but yes I have always gravitated back to Surrey. I grew up in New Malden and went to school in Surbiton, both my parents and my husband’s mother are still pretty local and we have plenty of contact with our extended families. That’s a really important part of my life.

The Surrey Hills offer a world of beauty and adventure right on our doorstep — totally unbeatable.

Thank you Anna for answering all my questions, we know you are a busy mum, so we really appreciate your time!

If you would like to get in touch with Anna Coe about her services as a fitness trainer or pelvic floor & core restoration programme please follow these links:

