10 must-know opportunities for advertising in Facebook

Volodymyr Sobolev
6 min readMay 15, 2017


It’s no secret that the paid posts in social networks are gaining popularity with great speed. Spending on advertising in social media in the last quarter of 2016 increased by 50% compared to last year. By 2017, the expected revenue from advertising in social media — $ 35.90 billion, which is an incredible 16%! From the general world market of digital-advertising.
Not surprisingly, Facebook (including also Instagram) grabbed a large piece of the pie: in 2016, FB advertising spent 65.5% of the total cost of advertising in social media. And all this thanks to the change in the CPC model, the launch of advertising in Instagram and the development of useful tools.

In this article, you will find 10 tips for using Facebook features that will help you squeeze the most out of this channel.

1. Advertising for leads

One of the recently introduced types of advertising campaigns Facebook has become “Advertising for Leaders.” This campaign allows advertisers to collect data on leads without a landing page. You can do it right through the form in FB.

Advertisers who have already used this feature reported a CPL reduction of four.

To start the campaign “Advertising for leads”, you need:

1. Create a new campaign by selecting the goal “Get leads for your company”.

2. Develop a campaign and ad groups.

3. Create a form for the lead at the ad level

4. Select the questions you want to add. If desired, you can create three of your questions.

5. Add a link to the privacy policy and additional disclaimers.

6. Enter the URL of the website you want to forward people to after completing the form.

7. Personalize the form.

8. Check the form with preview and click “Create form”.

You can start using the newest and most powerful Facebook product for lidogeneration.

2. Reports, reports, reports

The most important information about the successes and failures of advertising campaigns can be found in the “Breakdown” section.

  • Does your mobile placement work?
  • Which age group has the strongest CPA?
  • In which regions do not the conversions occur?
  • What gender reacts to your ads?
  • All of these important questions can be answered by the “Breakdown” section.

For example, in the CPA section, you can see which placement brings more conversions, and redistribute your budget in accordance with the information received.

3. Models of definition

It’s important to understand how the Facebook Definition models work — the rules that calculate each conversion based on the time that passes after the engagement with the ad and the interaction method (click or impression).

With this tool, you clearly understand the value of conversions on Facebook and can compare it with the value of conversions in other social networks.

Modify the Definition Models in the Manage Ads section, the Columns tab> Customize columns> Definition window settings.

4. Placement in Instagram

The placement in Instagram through the Facebook Ads dashboard is available from September 2015. In order to use this function, you just need to link the Instagram account with Facebook and choose the placement in Instagram.

The audience can be created based on a list of email addresses, Facebook pixel segments, or the conversion goal that you set. Facebook analyzes profiles that are similar to your customers at their location, age, sex and interests, so you can show your ads to those who might be interested in your company.

Run the test and see how this placement works within your campaign.

5. Similar audiences

Similar audiences are a Facebook targeting tool, with which they create an audience of users that is similar to an existing audience.

The audience can be created based on a list of email addresses, Facebook pixel segments, or the conversion goal that you set. Facebook analyzes profiles that are similar to your customers at their location, age, sex and interests, so you can show your ads to those who might be interested in your company.

6. Facebook options

Advertisers often overlook another important targeting tool in Facebook — a more detailed location specification. It is important to remember about it when creating an advertising company: you need to choose the option most appropriate for the purposes of your business.

Are you interested in people living in a city or in it? These are two completely different categories.

7. Address to the audience

With Facebook targeting methods, you are familiar with your audience (interests, behavior, etc.).

Use this knowledge to refer to each target audience. Your target audience are those who recently purchased housing? Try something like this: “Your new home will be perfect with modern furniture from [brand name].”

8. Remarketing

All marketers understand the importance of remarketing, so do not forget about it when creating an advertising campaign on Facebook.

Use the Facebook segmentation feature, which allows you to include / exclude specific pages / domains and adjust the “remarketing window”.

This feature allows advertisers to re-show users specific products that they have already seen or added to the shopping cart.

9. Testing Multiple Options

Test several options for displaying ads to understand which one is causing more emotion in the audience. Facebook optimizes advertising based on its effectiveness and conversion goal.

One of the most interesting and relatively new ways of advertising is the Carousel format. In it you can put several images and links at the same time.

According to the company, Carousel reduces CPA by 30–50% and increases CPC by 20–30%.

This format can be used to:

  • Demonstrate several products;
  • To tell about several characteristics of the product;
  • Emphasize the virtues;
  • Tell the story of the brand.

10. Tracking the effectiveness of placement

Different placement shows different effectiveness, so you need to monitor their effectiveness and budget allocation.

For example, when an ad campaign is optimized for clicks, you should choose a mobile news feed and an audience network. However, in this case, it is necessary to track the effectiveness of the allocation.



Volodymyr Sobolev

Who Dares Wins. СMO at Kovalska. Lecture at kmbs and SKVOT