Building tools and web-products on top of Spotify APIs

Charly Poly
The French House
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2017

Summary of the side-projects I’ll be working on this year.

Hello 👋

I’m Charly,
and this year I want to combine my two passions — software engineering and music —
by building web-projects around music.

I quickly discovered the Spotify Web API, with all the data I needed — even more with audio features/analysis.

My last post introduced a first project related to Spotify: spotify-graphql.

The Journey — projects to come

GraphQL = Data easier to fetch = more time to play with it!


This projects aim to provide a clean TypeScript API to responds to queries like :
- given X Spotify users, what is the best Artist to play ?
- given X Spotify users, what is the best Genres to play ?
- given X Spotify users, recommend some Artists.

It will not be “machine learning” related things, just some data crossing for now.
This project may also need MusicBrainz API, I’ll give it an introduction if needed.

Target architecture for the SpotifyTastes web-app

This project will heavily use spotify-graphqland spotify-oauth-workflow
Once these API ready, it will be possible to build a nice small demo web-app to compare music tastes with friends!

You can follow the progress on github 🙃

“The Paaaarty” web application

This project will not be open-source —not entirely but most parts will.

The Paaaarty is web-app — mobile-app too — to create perfect parties using Spotify.
I’ll keep you updated. #teaser

The SpotifyTastes project will be the subject of a series of articles about Spotify Web API, stay tuned!
I hope you will join the journey, see you soon 👋



Charly Poly
The French House

Helping you to get the most of new web technologies ✍️🎙 |