The Reasons of Indonesian Military Power Respected by the World

Wizam Robbani
3 min readOct 18, 2015


Since the colonial era, Indonesia is already known for its military capability. Ranging from weapons system equipment (alutista) modern and well-known and legendary special forces. This all is the result of hard work and hard work of predecessors. Beliaulah Indonesia thanks to the famous on the world stage, especially in terms of Indonesian military forces were at that time considered to be very strong, full of mystery and difficult to predict.

A site that discusses the military power of the world, the Global Fire Power released a data in its website that in 2014 the Indonesian military forces occupied the 19th rank above all the countries of Southeast Asia. Remarkably, on August 15, 2015, the Indonesian military forces climbed to 12 outperformed Australia and Italy that could be said to advance in terms of technology and knowledge.

Being in the rankings, it does not mean Indonesia just stuck in there, but the Indonesian military forces continues to rise and suffered some reforms. One is the addition of several alutista like the Super Tucano will enter into military formation in 2018. The modernization and improvement of military forces is done so that Indonesia can participate in joint operations with other countries. Several other countries are often concerned about the increase in the strength of Indonesia’s military modernization, including a neighbor country. One of the countries concerned with the growing neighbor that Indonesian military forces, namely Malaysia. According to a data from the Global Fire Power, the Indonesian military forces much more unggung compared to Malaysia which is ranked 35. However, Malaysia’s own strength is supported by several federation such as Australia, New Zealand, England and Singapore.

This is the achievement of Indonesian Military Force

Commander Special Forces ranks in the bottom third of the British SAS and MOSSAD of Israel. As with the Americans who did not put a single representative in the first rank of Global Fire Power site. This is because the American elite troops to rely more on technology than individual skills and abilities of the army itself. Here is a series of achievements that boast classy Indonesian military in the eyes of the world.

1. Stage Three World Elite Teams

According to the 2008 edition Discovery Military Channel, Kopassus in the top three world elite troops because it was able to beat the elite troops from several other countries are too dependent on accurate technology, digital versatile and super sophisticated.

2. Second Rank Military Operation Successful

Elite Forces at a meeting in Vienna, Austria. Kopassus ranks second in conducting strategic military operations (intelligence, movement, infiltration, action). Meanwhile, the first order is the elite troops United States Delta Force. At that time, 35 elite troops from several countries in the world to show off in the event.

3. Trusted by UN

TNI is often assigned to the UN peacekeeping mission deployed in Egypt since the first time on January 8, 1957 under the leadership of Lt. Col. Infantry Hartayo. Afterward, military peacekeepers named Garuda Contingent (Konga) has deployed more than 30 times to keep and maintain world peace.


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