Play&Earn System — All you need to know!

3 min readDec 14, 2023

In the enchanting world of Wizarre, where Wizards duel and magic reigns supreme, a unique Play&Earn system adds a thrilling dimension to the gaming experience. This innovative reward system ensures that every duel, victory, and defeat contributes to your virtual wealth in the form of SCRL tokens. With the unveiling of Patch 1.0, we have compiled a comprehensive overview of everything about the P&E in Wizarre.

vSCRL Rewards for Wizard Duels

Whether you emerge victorious or face defeat in the mystical duels, you are not left empty-handed. Wizarre rewards players with vSCRL for every encounter with a Wizard. Even in the face of ultimate defeat, defeating each Wizard ensures you earn vSCRL. Additionally, triumphing over your opponent results in extra vSCRL rewards, adding an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

Ranking System and Crystals

Wizarre employs a ranking system that adds a competitive edge to the magical duels. Each victory gives you 1 Crystal, however, a loss deducts 1 Crystal from your stash.

The ranking system consists of six ranks, each with six sub-levels. Each sub-level requires the player to obtain 3 Crystals. A checkpoint mechanism ensures that reaching a certain level protects you from dropping below it, even in a loss.

Here’s a breakdown of the ranks, their associated earnings multiplier and ranks checkpoints:


Wizarre’s leaderboard operates on an experience points system, where players receive experience points after each game. It is worth noting that each user gets 500 experience points for every Win of a day! The Preseason runs from December 14, 2023, to March 14, 2024, and the top 100 players receive lucrative prizes in SCRL tokens at the end of the season. The reward structure is detailed in the table below:

Surrenders and Quits

Players must strategize their game time wisely. Surrendering or quitting a game under 7 minutes incurs penalties — loss of 2 Crystals without the safety net of checkpoints. However, if the game extends beyond 7 minutes, players still earn experience points and vSCRL for defeating opponents, but with a loss of 1 Crystal and with safety net of checkpoints.

Win of a day!

Each day for your 1st win you get an astounding 1 000 EXP and 1 additional Crystal so be sure to login daily for those sweet boosters!

Quest Reactivation

Wizarre keeps the gaming experience fresh with quest reactivation. Quests such as Summoning Fever and Elixir Enjoyer challenge players to summon NFT Wizards and drink Elixirs, providing additional avenues for earning rewards.

The Wizarre Mastery quest requires players to drink 12 Elixirs, summon 12 NFT Wizards and defeat 500 Wizards.

All the available quests with assigned rewards can be found in your profile’s tab here:

Wizarre’s Play&Earn system amplifies and establishes a dynamic economy where skill and dedication are richly rewarded. As players embark on their journey within the fantastical realm of Wizarre, they’ll find themselves immersed in a gaming ecosystem that values their prowess and commitment.

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Powerful Wizard, exciting magic battles, exclusive NFTs - all in this free-to-play PvP game! Create your own NFT and claim rewards while playing and earning 🪄✨