When WIZZLE made crypto accessible to anyone, not just Bob from IT

5 min readJan 29, 2018


Mark Noorlander, Managing Director Of Operations Wizzle.io

For years people have been saying that it’s too late to get into cryptocurrency. When I talk to my employees they say, “I wish I had bought it when…” When I ask them why, they reply with, “Oh, it’s too high or too low or too late.”

My answer?

I immediately buy some. Right in front of them, right there and then. And I ask them again, “If I can buy cryptocurrency right now, why can’t you?”

You don’t need to have bought cryptocurrency or mined it back in 1904 in order to get the opportunity to buy it, sell it and benefit from its potential.

The thing is, for most people, getting into the cryptocurrency market isn’t easy. I’ve listened to what they’ve said and often they raise problems around how to buy into a crypto when it is already so high, how to register for a wallet, how to get the registration validated, where to get the dollars and which site to use and so they go on. It gets complicated, and it shouldn’t be.

In December 2015, Walter and I decided to build something that solved these problems and answered these questions. A solution that meant people didn’t need to know anything about blockchain or Ethereum or Bitcoin before they could play around with it. We created WIZZLE and a bunch of services, platforms and solutions that turn cryptocurrency into something as easy to handle as normal currency.

One of the founding premises of WIZZLE is the belief that anyone should find accessing cryptocurrency easy. You don’t need a computer science degree or be able to speak High Nerd. With us, you now have crypto within easy reach.

“At WIZZLE we are huge fans of cryptocurrency and blockchain and how it is about to change the whole ecosystem.” — Mark and Walter, founders of WIZZLE.

We spent months doing research into the right architecture, platforms and technology. We learned that the blockchain technology which underpins Ethereum is the only one that allows people to fully transfer ownership. If an Ethereum is transferred from one person to another, the ownership is mandated on the blockchain and it becomes their property. This made us opt in to Ethereum as our cryptocurrency of choice.

Then we set up an ETH miner and through our work in this space we realised that people wanted access to blockchain and there was a need to create a gateway to cryptocurrencies.

This was when WIZZLE bank-in-a-box was born. First, we built a Buy & Sell platform where people could buy and sell their cryptocurrencies in locally supported currencies. This was an incredibly important element of the WIZZLE — anyone, in any country and currency can easily buy and sell cryptocurrencies in their own, or another currency. This ability is supported by our Country Managers who provide local people with spaces within which they can trade and sell their cryptocurrency.

Then we built our own payment solution.

We tried to find a payment module that was capable of working with our business, but nothing on the market mapped back to our expectations. So, we created our own. Using this payment module, I can be based in the Netherlands and pay for a service in Dollars using a system that translates my cryptocurrency into the right currency.

My landlord in Bosnia received my rental payment in Euro while I paid in ETH from Australia.

Using our bank-in-a-box solution, you can send money to family in Ghana, pay staff in Italy and South Africa, or send someone a gift — all from one platform and from one cryptocurrency wallet.

Then we had to build our own debit card and applications.

We tried to find an application or service that had already been developed so we could integrate it into our platform, but there was nothing that could cope with what we needed. Again, we decided to develop the solution for ourselves. Instead of integrating existing debit cards, we built the integration ourselves. Instead of integrating emergent technology, we did it ourselves. Then we decided to build everything we wanted for WIZZLE, by ourselves.

We have built a mobile app that’s almost complete, we have a Point of Sale (PoS) machine for resellers so they can expand their reach and we have created an ATM machine that allows people to do their own crypto-transactions on demand.

Of course, there were problems. Problems are good.

Every challenge that arose was solved in-house by our own people. Now we have this incredible development team based in Bosnia, this supremely talented design team based in Italy, a communications team based in the UK and the founders living in the Netherlands. We have become as global as our solution, and it works.

Now we have launched the WIZZLE ICO.

You probably want to know why you should care about our ICO?

There are so many ICOs right now and many of them are doing the same as one another, but with every single one of these ICOs there is a common need — the need to build a bridge between what they do and the real world. In the next few years, everything is going to be done in the virtual world so there have to be bridges built between regulation, merchants, people and cryptocurrencies.

Currently, the system is flawed. Some projects and merchants use ICOs and accept crypto-payments, but there are countries that don’t accept some forms of cryptocurrency or any at all. People can’t pay their taxes or buy goods or do anything functional with their cryptocurrencies. There has to be a link between cryptocurrency and real currency.

That’s us.

The WIZZLE founders have been immersed in cryptocurrency for years. We understand its value, the technicalities that drive it, the challenges that impact on it and the role it is set to play in the future. By becoming part of WIZZLE’s ICO you get to become a part of a team that will help everyone enter the cryptocurrency community.

Not just Bob from IT who happened to grab all the Bitcoin that one time. Everyone.

We will be using the ICO to drive the impressive growth of our WIZZLE network and our WIZZLE bank-in-a-box solution. We have introduced the WIZZLE Infinity token (WZI) that can be used as currency to pay for services that are provided by either WIZZLE or our partners.

Want to take part? We made it easy. Here are the phases of the WIZZLE ICO:


  • 16th — 31st January
  • 50 million WIZZLE Infinity tokens are available for free


  • 1st — 28th February
  • 1,500 million tokens will be sold for at a 50% discount


  • 1st — 31st March
  • 500 million tokens will be sold at 40% discount
  • 500 million tokens will be sold at 30% discount
  • All other tokens will be sold at 25% discount (2 billion cap)

To participate in the Airdrop, entrants need to submit a registered Ethereum address. For those who miss out on the initial phase, WIZZLE has an ongoing referral scheme so you can get involved at any time. Since launching the Airdrop just over a week ago we have attracted almost 70,000 participants and welcomed over 40,000 people onto our referral program. There are now just 48 hours left to claim free WZI tokens via the Airdrop.

Want to know more? Join our conversations on Telegram, read our whitepaper, and visit our website.




We promote the mass adoption of blockchain technology by becoming a globally trusted service provider with a strong local presence