A Rational Analysis of the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project, “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”

William J. Cornelius
5 min readJul 19, 2023
Does this Conservative Action Plan Actually Make Any Sense?


The Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership Project began in 1979 as an effort to provide a conservative policy playbook for reducing government scope if Republicans gained power.

The 2025 edition, subtitled The Conservative Promise, contains policy recommendations from a conservative perspective for a hypothetical future Republican president.

The sweeping 920-page document aims to provide a blueprint for the next conservative administration across all areas of government.

Key Policy Priorities

Limit government power and bureaucracy by eliminating agencies, regulations, and social programs

Promote traditional Judeo-Christian social values, restrict abortion and LGBTQ rights

Deregulate industries to spur free market economic growth

Reorient U.S. foreign policy toward unilateralism and national self-interest over global cooperation

Increase military spending and projection of U.S. power abroad, adopt more aggressive posture

Critique of Recent Administrations

Argues previous administrations expanded government reach into areas like healthcare and the environment, violating limited government principles.

Contends regulatory overreach has constrained economic growth and infringed on individual liberties.

Criticizes social liberalism, progressive values, and focus on diversity and inclusion over national unity.

Says America has compromised sovereignty, not forcefully confronted adversaries like China and Russia, and neglected military strength.

Analysis Through a Nonpartisan Lens

While the document articulates coherent conservative arguments and proposals, a nonpartisan analysis suggests:

Sweeping unilateral reforms proposed could risk significant unintended consequences versus more incremental, bipartisan changes.

Lacks substantive engagement with progressive policy rationales; presents perspectives as self-evident rather than needing evidentiary support.

Overstates threats and policy failures of recent administrations based on partisan biases; insufficiently acknowledges context and policy complexities.

Assumes conservative policies are inherently correct while dismissing potential merits of alternative approaches across multiple domains.

Prioritizes limited set of interests and ideological goals while failing to sufficiently consider need for balancing competing priorities, rights, and ethical tradeoffs.

Proposed consolidation of power in the executive branch risks abuse of authority, erosion of checks and balances, and undermining civil service professionalism.

Analysis of Key Department-Specific Proposals

Defense Department

Increase military budget and modernize all branches of armed forces.

Refocus on great power competition with Russia and China as primary threats.

Remove “woke” diversity, equity and inclusion policies and restore traditional culture across military.

Have allies bear more costs and responsibilities for their own defense.

Risks politicizing the military, alienating needed talent pools, and overextending resources abroad.

Department of Homeland Security

Restructure or break up DHS agencies like FEMA, TSA, Border Patrol.

Prioritize immigration enforcement over humanitarian concerns.

Eliminate cybersecurity and intelligence functions.

Raises issues of loss of coordination, unchecked immigration actions, and US vulnerability to cyber threats.

Department of State

Assert U.S. interests unilaterally over compromising in global institutions.

Confront China, Russia, Iran more forcefully with sanctions and military deterrence.

Link foreign aid tightly only to short-term American interests.

Undermines US global leadership and cooperation, inflames tensions with adversaries, and compromises America’s image abroad.

Department of Justice

Review and terminate FBI investigations deemed contrary to partisan interests.

Prosecute leaks aggressively.

Eliminate or constrain internal oversight bodies.

Politicizes impartial law enforcement, obstructs legitimate oversight, and increases potential for abuse of power.

Department of Health and Human Services

Appoint pro-life leadership to restrict access to abortion and contraception.

Reverse protections for transgender patients.

Transfer food stamps and Medicaid administration to states.

Infringes on reproductive rights, guts safety net programs for the most vulnerable populations, and strips healthcare protections.

Department of Education

Abolish the Department of Education, devolve all functions to states.

Expand school voucher programs and religious school funding.

Eliminate student loan forgiveness programs.

Risks gutting protections for disadvantaged students, reducing educational opportunities, and increasing inequality.

Environmental Protection Agency

Empower states to set environmental standards over federal EPA.

Focus only on core statutory missions, not climate or environmental justice.

Open scientific advisory boards to industry representatives.

Threatens national standards for clean air, water, opens doors for undisclosed corporate influence over public safeguards.

Assessment of Policy Proposals

While the document sets some reasonable goals like streamlining bureaucracy and outdated regulations, the solutions proposed frequently go to ideological extremes:

Sweeping unilateral actions that risk undermining civil service expertise, institutional knowledge, and oversight mechanisms meant to prevent abuses of power.

Overpoliticization of agencies essential to impartial governance, purging dissenting voices.

Severe funding cuts or wholesale elimination of programs that, while flawed, serve important purposes for disadvantaged groups.

Insufficient evidence provided for the assumed superiority and rationality of conservative policies proposed in areas ranging from the environment to education.

Failure to substantively engage with progressive policy rationales or acknowledge legitimacy of alternative expert opinions.

Lack of prudence and restraint; insufficient consideration of risks, unintended consequences, costs, and harms to minorities.

Policy Impact Conclusions

If fully implemented, the agenda proposed in Mandate for Leadership would:

Fundamentally damage America’s system of checks and balances, consolidated power in the executive.

Lead to underenforcement of environmental, financial and other protections important to public wellbeing.

Increase healthcare inequality, educational disparities, and discrimination against women, minorities and LGBTQ individuals.

Severely reduce access to food, housing, and other critical services for low-income families.

Escalate global conflicts and undermine America’s global leadership and competitiveness.

Politicize institutions essential to democracy like law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the civil service.

Overall Assessment

The document articulates a clear, sweeping conservative policy agenda and critique of perceived liberal policy failures. It provides a coherent intellectual framework from a conservative ideological perspective.

However, a rigorous nonpartisan analysis reveals numerous flaws:

Insufficient evidence provided for many assumptions and policy assertions made.

Failure to grapple with legitimate counterarguments, policy complexities, unintended consequences.

Willingness to impose massive changes with little restraint or prudence.

Lack of concern for minority rights, impacts on vulnerable populations, ethical implications of policies proposed.

Fundamental disregard for core principles of pluralistic governance like compromise, checks and balances, and pluralism.

Policy Prescriptions

Constructive critiques of government performance should drive reform efforts. However, policies should be evidence-based and prudent, not imposed according to ideological whims.

Bipartisan deliberation and input helps craft balanced solutions that serve all Americans. Sweeping unilateral actions undermine stability.

Reform efforts should protect minority rights, civil liberties, free speech, and the principles of ethical governance. Checks on executive power should be strengthened, not weakened.

Policy making should incorporate compassion and concern for vulnerable populations. Reforms should empower people, not just promote business interests.

Prudence and restraint help avoid disastrous unintended consequences. Radical reforms often fail or breed backlash.

In Conclusion…

This 920-page conservative treatise articulates a bold vision for reshaping the role of government in American life. However, its ideological rigidity and lack of concern for ethical governance make many proposals dangerous and unwise if actually implemented. Effective policy reform requires acknowledging complex realities, engaging diverse perspectives, balancing competing interests, and upholding principles of ethical governance.

Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise offers insights into conservative thought but would badly damage America’s civil service traditions, ethical standards and just governance if directly translated into policy actions.

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This is a summary of the Key Points of my analysis, made with the help of AI.

If you would like to read my full analysis of “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” which includes a description of how and why I wrote the essay, it is available on Medium here.

Thank you for your interest!



William J. Cornelius

My interests are many. I am very inquisitive, with technical and philosophical leanings and a burning desire to deeply understand myself, others, and our world.