The Visible Man

About my current project, which aims to give the entire world a “God’s Eye View” of the soul and journeys of a very flawed Human Being.

William J. Cornelius
3 min readSep 5, 2023
Generated by DALL-E 2 when prompted to generate an image of a flawed man with his Soul shining through… No mention of Bowie, whatsoever! Isn’t that cool?!? :-)

Remember those kits at the Hobby Shop for little clear, plastic engines that you could see the inner workings of, so that you could understand how engines worked?

Well, our Government, for better or for worse, has decided that I am no longer a person worthy of privacy, because of a serious crime that I committed.

I have decided to use that opportunity to do what I have always wanted to do, but always been way too afraid to do…

To be Myself, warts and all, in front of the entire world.

That is what this blog is all about.

If you choose to look — and that will not be easy, at times — you will see the soul of a very, very flawed human being bared, like you have never seen before.

I literally have nothing left to lose, and this has opened my eyes to the freedom that being in such a position has afforded me.

And with great freedom, comes great responsibility.



William J. Cornelius

My interests are many. I am very inquisitive, with technical and philosophical leanings and a burning desire to deeply understand myself, others, and our world.