Python for Scientific Calculation

From Zero: Python installation

Willy Lim@
3 min readOct 17, 2022

Many students and researchers have heard this:

“You should use Python for your research, you should use Python for calculations, you should plot your graphs using Python..” 😅

However, not everyone has the required Programming knowledge to start using Python right away.


let’s get to know a bit more about Python🐍 and how to use it! 😁👊🏾


Python language was created in the Netherlands, in the early 90s by Guido van Rossum and it was named not after the serpent but after a British surreal comedy troupe called Monty Python.

Guido van Rossum

Python was “open-source” from the beginning. An open-source programming language means that the language is not proprietary, and with certain provisions (depending on the open source license), can be modified or built upon in a manner that is open to the public.

It is considered a scripting language, but it’s also a..

  • High-level, General-purpose, object-oriented and functional language

“Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another’s code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.” — Guido van Rossum

But how do we install Python🐍? 😕

Python installation is a straight-forward process

First, we go to Python website.

We can download different versions of Python for different Operating Systems..

Once we download it to our machine, we start the local installation

Add Python -version to PATH

Check ✅ this box in order to be able to use Python on your COMMAND PROMPT

After Next.. Next.. Next

Python is installed on your machine. You can double check by typing python into your COMMAND PROMPT. If it’s installed correctly it will display a similar message 👇🏾

Please let me know if you have any questions! You can leave a comment in the comments section

