#SmallerAPK, Part 3: Removing unused resources

Wojtek Kaliciński
Android Developers
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2016


Update 1: Sparse configurations in resources.arsc

There’s two ways you can remove resources that are not used by your app, but get packaged into the APK because they’re in your project folder or dependencies. One method relies on the minifier/shrinker that we discussed in the previous chapter. Apart from removing unused code, it can also analyze which resources are actually being used and strip those that are never included in your layouts, drawables, code, etc. To enable resource shrinking, add this line to your release build type:


android {
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
shrinkResources true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

Just like with removing code, automatic tools might sometimes make the wrong call about which resources are actually used. You can tell the build system about resources you want to keep with the special tools:keep attribute, similar to how ProGuard configuration files can list classes and methods to keep. You can add it on any <resources> tag that’s already in your project, or create a separate file for the shrinker rules:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"

You can also specify tools:discard to deliberately remove resources that were kept:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"

You can read more about debugging the resource shrinker by looking at log files and what switching between safe and strict modes means on the tools site.

Of course, it’s good practice to keep your project folder tidy and organized anyway, so if there are any old resources that you know will not be used anymore, you should just remove the files.

Removing unused configurations with ResConfigs

Lots of libraries come with string resources translated into many languages. That’s the case with the Support Library and Google Play Services for example. You might even have translations that you started working on for your app, but you are not ready to release to markets serving those languages just yet. You can use the resConfigs option to restrict the configurations that will be included in the final APK


android {
defaultConfig {
resConfigs "en", "fr"

This will remove any resources that are not meant for these two language configurations.

Please note that resConfigs has slightly other semantics when used with screen densities (you can use only one density), it’s better to use splits instead. There’s also an example of density resConfig usage in Part 5: Multi-APK through product flavors

Sparse configurations in resources.arsc

The problem I’m about to describe in this section usually only hits really large apps, with hundreds or thousands of resource strings, styles or other identifiers that go into the resources.arsc file.

If you notice this file takes up an unusually large amount of space in your APK, this might be an indicator that you have too many sparse configurations. Let me explain on a simple example.

Let’s say you have 5 base strings that are defined in a default configuration folder (values/strings.xml). The strings themselves will be defined in a string pool, while another area of the resources file will contain a resource config consisting of pointers to those strings. For the sake of this explanation, this is how a simplified resources.arsc file might look like:

String pool: "My App", "Hello", "Exit", "Settings", "Feature"                  Default config: 
string/myapp 0x00000001
string/hello 0x00000002
string/exit 0x00000003
string/settings 0x00000004
string/feature 0x00000005

Now imagine that you’re adding a new feature to your app that works only on API 21+. The feature needs to show a different message when it’s used, so you decide to override a string in values-v21/strings.xml and recompile your app.

You would think that you’re adding just one new string value to the string pool and one string pointer for the newly created v21 config. Unfortunately, that’s not how the resources.arsc file format works. What you might see instead is:

String pool: "My App", "Hello", "Exit", "Settings", "Feature", "New feature"                  Default config:         -v21 config:
string/myapp 0x00000001 NO_ENTRY
string/hello 0x00000002 NO_ENTRY
string/exit 0x00000003 NO_ENTRY
string/settings 0x00000004 NO_ENTRY
string/feature 0x00000005 0x00000006

========== ==========
Config size: 20 bytes 20 bytes!

As it turns out, each configuration (-v21, -land or even -en-land-v21) reserves space for pointers on every possible resource position. The actual pointers can be null, meaning that there is no value defined in this configuration.
A null pointer still takes up 4 bytes.

Like I mentioned in the beginning, the possible savings here depend mostly on how many strings (or other types of resources) you have in your app. For our example, the overhead of the -v21 config for strings is just 4 * 4 bytes, that is 16 bytes wasted in null entries (plus 4 bytes for a pointer we actually care about).

However, in a real life scenario, an app that defines 3500 strings and has a separate landscape configuration with 1 string translated into 50 languages (so it has folders such as values-en-land, -pl-land, -de-land, -fr-land…) will lose:

4 bytes * 3500 null entries * 50 languages = 700 kilobytes

That is 700 kilobytes that can be saved just by removing one string, and I’ve seen apps that saved more than 2.5MB for moving as little as 3 resources around to reduce the number of configurations.

There’s one catch — since you put a resource in a separate config in the first place, that usually means you need it there and it’s actually the proper way to do it in Android. But if you can identify that one or several resources that will save you lots of space, you might consider finding a way to get rid of them altogether.

Another way, although less elegant, is to switch between different versions of the resource in code for that one situation. For example, in your values/strings.xml you could have two strings: string/my_feature and string/my_feature_land, then select the correct one at runtime based on current screen orientation.

We’ve open sourced a tool that can help you find sparse resource configurations and identify which resources contribute to your resources.arsc bloat. It’s called ArscBlamer and can be found here:

You will need Bazel installed to compile ArscBlamer. You can compile and run using this command (all in one line):

$ bazel run //java/com/google/devrel/gmscore/tools/apk/arsc:ArscDumper --apk=/FULL_PATH_TO_APK/bar.apk - keys > output.csv

Then, open the resulting CSV file in any editor (like Google Sheets) and sort by the Null entries column in descending order.

The configurations which have the most Null entries are possible candidates for pruning, and the resource names (Keys) on the right will be the ones you can remove to get rid of the configuration.

Let me know if this technique applied to your app and how you were able to reduce the size of resources.arsc!

