🌟 Boost Your Streamlit App Development with pipreqs! 🚀

Unicorn Day
2 min readJul 2, 2024

Have you ever found yourself tangled in the web of dependencies while developing your Streamlit app? 🤔 Worry no more! Let’s dive into the magic of pipreqs... and get your project streamlined! 🌐✨

Imagine this… You’re working on an awesome Streamlit project. It’s coming together beautifully. You’ve got your charts, your data, and everything looks perfect. But wait… you need to deploy it! 🚀 How do you ensure that anyone who clones your repository can get it running without a hitch? 🎯

The answer lies in a simple file… requirements.txt. 📄✨

🚀 What is requirements.txt?

This humble file lists all the Python packages your project needs. It’s like a shopping list 🛒 for your app’s environment, ensuring everything runs smoothly on another machine. But crafting this list manually? 😵 It can be a headache!

🎩 Enter pipreqs...

pipreqs is a nifty tool that automatically generates a requirements.txt file for you. No more manual typing, no more missed dependencies. Just pure magic! 🪄✨

🛠️ Let’s Get Started…

  1. Install pipreqs: Open your terminal and run:
pip install pipreqs

