Unicorn Day
3 min readApr 5, 2024

How to Share Your Colab Notebook

In the dynamic landscape of data science and machine learning, collaboration is key. Whether you’re working on a team project, conducting research, or teaching a class, sharing your Colab notebook can streamline workflows and foster innovation. Google Colab, short for Google Colaboratory, is a cloud-based platform that allows you to write and execute Python code in a collaborative environment. In this article, we’ll explore how you can effectively share your Colab notebook with others.

Why Share Your Colab Notebook?

Before diving into the “how,” let’s first understand the “why” behind sharing your Colab notebook. Here are a few reasons why sharing can be beneficial:

1. Collaboration: Sharing your Colab notebook enables seamless collaboration with colleagues, teammates, or students. Multiple users can work on the same notebook simultaneously, making it ideal for group projects or team-based research.

2. Accessibility: By hosting your notebook on Google Colab, you make it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This means collaborators can contribute to or review the notebook without needing to install any additional software or dependencies.

3. Teaching and Learning: Educators can use Colab notebooks to create interactive tutorials, exercises, or assignments for students. Sharing these notebooks allows students to engage with the material in real-time and provides a platform for collaborative learning.

How to Share Your Colab Notebook

Sharing your Colab notebook is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open Your Notebook

First, open the Colab notebook that you want to share. If you haven’t already created one, you can start by visiting the [Google Colab website](https://colab.research.google.com/) and creating a new notebook.

Step 2: Save Your Notebook

Before sharing your notebook, make sure to save any unsaved changes. You can do this by clicking on “File” in the menu bar and selecting “Save” or by pressing `Ctrl + S` (or `Cmd + S` on Mac).

Step 3: Share the Link

To share your Colab notebook, click on the “Share” button located in the upper right corner of the notebook interface. This will open a dialog box where you can specify who you can select “Anyone with this link” under General Access and then you can copy the link for this notebook and save it with anyone.


Sharing your Colab notebook is a powerful way to collaborate with others, whether you’re working on a team project, conducting research, or teaching a class. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily share your notebook with colleagues, teammates, or students and unlock the full potential of collaborative data science and machine learning. So, why wait? Start sharing your Colab notebooks today and embark on a journey of innovation and discovery.