Know More About His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum

Williams Damian
2 min readJan 29, 2019


His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum, member of the ruling family of Dubai UAE and founder of the diversified conglomerate, Africa Middle East Resource Investment (AMERI Group) has emerged as a strong force on the global front.

H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum

His rise as an influential figure stems from his decisive leadership in expanding UAE’s energy and power network across continents and his inspirational work on the humanitarian front. As the founder and the Chairman of Ameri Group LLC, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum has established strategic partnerships in many African countries to create a better world for the underprivileged. In doing so, he has played a path-defining role in extending a helping hand to bring about a positive change in the lives of millions.

The Ameri Group LLC has diversified into a conglomerate that develops, invests, co-owns, and operates power plants, energy and infrastructure projects mainly in Africa and the Middle East. Through Ameri Energy, the Group has dived headfirst into providing economical, innovative and clean energy solutions. The Ameri Infrastructure division specialises in EPC solutions with a reputable clientele.

In 2016, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum led the Ameri Group into a partnership with the government of Ghana, thus establishing an emergency power plant to solve the country’s electricity crisis. Presently, the Group is exploring investment opportunities in other parts of Africa such as Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and many African Countries.

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum’s Private Office has also actively pursued landmark opportunities in other countries in order to catapult Dubai and UAE’s name in the upper echelons of global technology leaders. In 2017, the Private Office entered into a partnership with Frontier Works Organization, Pakistan in order to explore, establish and develop mutually beneficial projects in water desalination, energy, power, oil and gas, infrastructure, mining, and other industries.

