Conguitos: Black Lives Matter Takes On Spain’s Racist Candy

Lynnae Williams
4 min readJul 16, 2020

“Little Congolese!”

“Where’s your loincloth?”

“You have to go naked.”

These are some of the statements Black children in Spain have grown up hearing, thanks to the beloved Spanish candy Conguitos. Beloved by White Spaniards, a source of humiliation for Black Spaniards.

Spain’s Black Community is finding its voice amid the worldwide Black Lives Matter Movement and is demanding change. From calling on the government to regularize the immigration status of migrants to highlighting racial profiling and police brutality, this community has had enough and is ready to fight for change. One of those changes: demanding an end to the racial stereotyping of people of African descent. The Black community and its allies have made a simple request to Spanish chocolatier Lacasa: stop selling chocolate candies with racist imagery. As of July 16th, a petition asking Lacasa to change Conguitos’ racist imagery had amassed over six thousand signatures.



Lynnae Williams

@CIA whistleblower, ex-analyst at DIA , translator, editor, writer. Georgetown University & Spelman College grad. Observing & commenting on the world around me.