Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

25 min readApr 1, 2019


Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

Answer : I would recommend that you visit this site where you can compare from different companies: .

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USAA Auto Loan check = Cash same day or wait 24 hours?
That makes no since, with Personal Checks you cannot cash the same day… I’m wondering is I can Cash A USAA Certified loan check the same day @ Bank””
“”I need a loan. I live in maryland, i cant get a personal loan because they say i have limited credit….?””
plus i have a closed credit card account that I am paying off. I need $1500 in the next 3 days, I tried to get a title loan but my car isnt worth enough. I really really dont want a payday loan, an i doubt i could pay it off by my next paycheck anyway. I cant get a loan of any kind, cant get another credit car, an i dont have anyone with good enough credit to cosign with me, What else can i do?””
House Title in separate name than Mortgage — Who gets house in foreclosure?
@Debdeb. Yes, a couple years ago, when I got divorced, I quit-claimed the house to my husband. I stayed on the loan, but not the title. He wasn’t able to re-finance by himself, and it wasn’t until a couple of years later, when *he* got remarried, that he re-financed and took my name off of the loan. The bank *wouldn’t* take my name off of the loan — they said that in Arizona, they don’t recognize divorce judgments, and just because the judge said that as part of the settlement I was to quit-claim the house, didn’t mean that I could come off of the loan. Bad deal for me — I had to keep the jeopardy of the loan without having any title to the house, and nothing I could do about it short of massive legal fees taking the bank to court. But, in any case, title changed (I quit-claimed the house), the bank knew about it, and they didn’t demand immediate payment. So, in that case, a *partial* name change on the title certainly didn’t affect the loan in any way at all. “”

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Dave Ramsey says NOT to cash out an ira only if it is to avoid a bankruptcy or foreclosure?
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Help with bankruptcy or debt relief options?
Im on the fence and i need some insight. Im 27 currently having about 18k total debt from about 4 credit cards. Around 2007 every thing was fine i made about 440 a week with less than 40 hours of work. My main Credit card was 17k limit and credit score was 779. Bought a car on the card for 14k like an idiot because at the time it was worth 24k. tried to make a resell profit for school money, big backfire end of story. went through a period when the recession hit to making only about 750 a month. Spoke with a BankRupt lawyer for that option about 5 months ago, its even taking this long to save 1500 + 150 to protect the car wich i now need for transpo. While im saving is there any advice on options like all these debt relief commercials on tv, is that a better option or has someone tried that route? Also im now kinda making the amount of money i was before the hard times. about 1400 a month again. So would i even be eligible now? if i tired bankruptcy would they say u make enough now to pay this money back, when honestly i cant, cost of living for everything has changed since 07, pretty much paycheck to paycheck with an additional 1200 debt from medical bills thats not included im my total debt. Plz help””
Can I file Bankruptcy Chapter 7 on my own? I can’t afford the fee.?
I live in NYC and need to file for Bankruptcy, I have tons of medical bills and have lost my job. I have no $ am 37 years old, sick and have moved back in with my Parents with my daughter. I have no income and no assets. Can they take away my daughter and my clothes? Thats all we have, and maybe a wii my daughters had for a few years. Can I file on my own. I am very scared. Also what if I get sued after the bankruptcy, can that happen? Please help, Thanks!””
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worth 6,000 a year? I want to attend a community college in northern CA, they have room and board for a meal-plan for 4.800. Plus books and tuition, I estimate will cost: 800 a year. Anything else I should be aware of?””
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Can I get approved to get a car loan with bad credit?
My credit score is 532 and my wife is 567 and we are planning to buy a car joint from the dealer the value of the car is between 28.000 to 30.000 dlls I can put as a down payment 10k plus my silverado 2007 as a trade in there’s any chance we can get approved from any bank or loaner thru the silverado is paid off but that dealer was buy here pay here they didn’t reported to my credit and I just get financed a semi truck 86.000 from my company they also don’t reported to my credit score any info will be really helpful thanks
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I was wondering if there was anyone that had experience with car dealerships that could help me. My husband and I have two cars. A Dodge 1500 and a Volkswagen Jetta. They’re both in very good condition but we’re upside down in both loans. Because of gas prices we wanted to try and trade them both in for one car. Is this a bad idea? Would we end up paying as much for one as we would for two, since we’re upside down in our loans? Thanks for your help.””
Taking Out a Loan To Pay For a School Trip?
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I need advice on how to get an auto loan?
I’m 19 and I’m in need of a car. A used car would cost me more money in fixing than a new car. I know this cause I have already experienced it. I’m looking into a car that’s $28,000. I’m a first time buyer, my credit isn’t all that because I started it not too long ago though I do have a firm job working 8am-5pm Monday-Friday making $16 an hour bi-weekly. $34,800 annually. Co signers are out of the question. Any advice on how to get around and make this loan happen? What questions to ask the dealer? How to go about this? Help overall? Thanks in advance.””

“Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

How can I straighten out my credit?
I’m 22 and I recently completed a rental application for an apartment, but was turned down due to my credit. The only things on my credit are my student loan from college and a hopital bill. I don’t know the exact total of the debt, but is there anything I can do to improve my credit so that I can find a place to live? I’m working toward paying the debts off, but money’s tight. Any advice is highly appreciated. I really need help.””
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Can I join the Coast Guard with a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy that is cleared?
So I stepped on my pride and did what I didn’t want to do ..I filed for bankruptcy, Chapter 7, in January 2009. It was cleared and everything was discharged in May 2009. I am now interested in joining the United States Coast Guard Active Duty in 2011 sometime. I am curious if this is going to impact my enlistment. I have read numerous online entries, they all clash though. I saw a video on YouTube by a lawyer that states Active Duty military can file for bankruptcy and it won’t jeopardize their job. If that is so, how is it any different with someone who has a cleared bankruptcy that wants to enlist? I understand this will interfere with security clearances. I am willing to deal with that to serve in the Coast Guard. Any recruiters, any advice? Please no trolls that are here to advertise or scorn me for having a bankruptcy.””
How can i checl my credit?
Im trying to check my credit online. But when i google it, they always want you to pay. Ive heard of FREE credit checks. But there never free. I just want to check it once! How can i do that? Where can i do that? Somebody Help !!! Please and thank you!””
How do I pay off a $2000 debt?
I am in college, looking for a job, my parents are filing for bankruptcy, and I need to pay off this debt before I can start college again. I’ve tried applying for credit cards and private loans, but they all turned me down. Please help.””
Cashing a $1000 personal loan check?
My brother is getting a $1000 loan check from his credit union in Illinois and will be buying another vehicle with it. We both now live in Wisconsin, I have a checking account at Chase, but his account is at the credit union in Illinois as he plans to move back when his work contract ends in 6 months so he doesn’t want to go through the hassle of switching banks. My question is are there any banks that would cash that check if he doesn’t have an account with them or could he sign the check over to me so I could cash it for him at my bank? The check will be here in a few days and he asked if I would help look and ask around, but I really can’t find that much information.””
Car Loan for someone with Bad Credit?
Hi are there any places which offer you car loans at a reasonable interest rate. I earn a good monthly wage but unfortunately a few years ago i was a bit daft with running up debt etc and this is still against me on my credit report. I could easily afford monthly payments on a car if only someone could give me the opportunity. I live in Scotland. Thanks

I went in best buy to get credit card with cosigner and he said i wasnt instantly approved?
so is there a possibility i can still get approved threw mail
How do I get my ex-boyfriend off our mortgage note without refinancing?
My ex-boyfriend and I bought a house together in May of 2007. Long story short, in July 07 he quit his job to build his own business, in Dec 07 I was diagnosed with cancer, and my salary, credit, and disability paid most of our bills, including mortgage. We went on forebearance in October 08. We broke up in Feb of this year. He is in the process of moving out, and I want to keep the house. I qualify for Home Affordability Modification on my own, but would not qualify for a regular re-finance. I know a quit-claim just removes him from the title, but not the mortgage note. Even though I have been paying the mortgage on my own for many months, he is unsure about staying on the note in case I die or something. What other course do we have to remove him from the loan? It is a Freddie Mac loan serviced through Citimortgage. Is assumption or novation a possibility (I have only heard these terms, not sure about the details)?””
What happens if you don’t pay back student loans?
To the person who said we are the greatest country. You ask what other country would lend me the money to do this, well there are quite a few countries in which wanting to go to school is a right and you aren’t charged for it. Do some research.””
How safe is it to get a loan online?
I m about to take a loan online and i ve been asked to pay in front a 70 euro fee as the NON RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE .Would that be ok or is just a trick to get 70 euros from me without to give me the loan?
“”3 months ago, I was 25 days late on several of my credit cards. Why did only one of them lower my credit line?””
Three months ago, I was having some money troubles and could not pay my bills. I had 6 credit cards with around 90% of my credit line used on each one. I also had a Firestone credit card with a $1800 line of credit and a balance of around $1200. I paid my credit card bills 25 days late. My 6 credit cards still have the same line of credit, but the Firestone credit card lowered my credit line to $1200 right when it was counted as late. Will my 6 credit cards lower their line of credit as well? It’s been three months and I have been paying all my bills on time. Since money is still a little tight, I have been paying the minimum payment plus purchases I make on each card thus lowering my balances little by little. Last week, I pulled up my free credit report and it says that in the past 12 months I have payed my credit cards on time. When do they count as being late?””
Will my credit get better?
The reason I’m staying in the $20k range is because I need an SUV and I calculated ALL my expenses and know that I can comfortably make payments on one at that price. I am A LOT more financially responsible now. I looked at my options and a car loan fixed at a low rate is MUCH better than a credit card that can raise the rate to 29% whenever it feels like. That thought has me very paranoid and thats why Im doing this. Yes im trading one debt for another, but the car loan is at least a secured loan and the rates wont increase. My current score is in the low to mid 600’s. So how much do you think it will jump??””
Military star card details?
Can it be used for cash advances at an atm on post? Or is it strictly for purchases at the bx/px and aafes online.?
Has there ever been a shark attack in tacoma washington?
just wondering cuz im going in a few months

Best bank for savings account and home loan?
1)my mom have a savings account in sbi bank… we want to save money for my sisters marrige… plz tell me in which bank should i open my mom’s account to save money without any problem.. we will be saving more than 5 lakhs in that account.. since my mom have internet banking facility so i need a bank in which i can transfer money directly… 2)after my sisters marrige my mom will take a home loan… so i also need good bank for home loan too.. me n my mom have a joint account in sbi too… should we save money in that account… plz respond with proper information since i am unknown to banking …

“”I own a 2007 hd motorcycle, if I file chap 13 bankruptcy, will I be able to keep my bike?

“”Wher ecan i get a 90,000 loan ?
i have tried at a bank but my credit is not good enough
Bad to max out credit card even if I pay it back in full on time?
Is it bad to use my credit card so much that I bring it very close to the maximum, even if I pay it off in full on time? I have been putting just about everything on my credit card because I like to take advantage of the rewards, but I heard from a friend that it’s bad to spend near the max. Is this true? I’ve never missed a payment and I’ve always paid off the entire balance. If I keep doing this will it bring my credit score down?””
Annual credit is really free?
Well I know that you can get a free credit report annually at the gov’t website known as, but what im wondering is is if it is really free? I dont want any minutia popping up that i might have to pay for… no smelly anything? comment please, thank you””
Can you file bankruptcy without an attorney?
I mean why pay an attorney 2,000 to file when you can go get the paperwork yourself, and do it? Any thoughts? Has anyone filed themselves before?””
“”18 years old with a 642 Credit score, 3 Credit cards, and Auto loan for 14,764?””
I have three credit Cards two with 300.00 limits and one with a 500.00 Limit. And a car loan on a 2006 Malibu LT through PSECU with an interest rate of 4.71 % Also, my credit age is 4 months according to Credit Karma which is acurate with what is reported never missed a payment on credit cards or car. Never plan to either. Even have a fund worth of 3 months of my car payments and credit card payments ( Min required ) In addition I pay 150.00 extra towards the principal on my car payments are 279 and I try to pay the balances completly off on my credit cards in full every month which general I succed about 80 % of the time. Never exceds 35 % before I pay the balances so well below the 25% limit or less you should strive for. Any tips or advice? I plan on taking student loans out next year. for around 2000–4000 the rest is covered through grants. Then I would LIKE to purchase a home. And attend college AGAIN for a higher degree in same study which would be around 2000 to 4000 due to grants as well. Any helpful tips hints would be appreciated. Trying to build a strong credit history, score, as well as a HIGH LIMIT. Any information, ideas, or whatever would be greatly appreciate. Thanks!””
“Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

Bankrupt and own a house?
If it should be taken off you, who do you report it to? “”
Are there companies providing competitive auto loans for new expats with no credit record in the USA?
I just arrived in the US on an H1B and find that it is non-trivial to get auto financing as I don’t yet have my social security number and of course don’t have any credit history (good or bad) here in the US.
Paying bills months ahead of time?
I was wondering everyone’s opinions on paying bills a few months ahead of schedule. I really want to have May, June and July’s bills paid up by May so that I won’t have to pay bills all summer. We could use our checks for trips or to put into our savings. It would also be nice to just feel like I don’t have to pay bills for 3 months. What’s everyone’s opinions? Would you do this?””
How do I get a free credit report without using a credit card?


What is the best alternative to bankruptcy? I have been considering Chpt. 13 due a federal tax dept I have?
I am employed by one of the companies that has been envolved with the back dating of stock options and I was in a 12 month blackout and lost 500K and could not sell to pay my taxes from a sell I did two weeks before the black out and extended black out due to the SEC investigation and during that time the stock just dropped from $72 to $10. Now I have no stock that isn’t underwater and I don’t know what to do. I owe about 66k . I racked up credit card dept to help me out during this time. I have been reading all the books from and Larry Winglet. I’m tired of being tired and I feel like I have failed. This situation has been very emotional for me I have worked here for 10 years and was ready to pay all of my dept off and instead i’m buried. I’m 53 and I feel like just walking away, but thats not my style. I have never been late on any of my bills CC/auto etc… Thanks for listening and wish me luck!””
What happens if a cash advance loan goes unpaid?
I have a cash advance loan out and don’t have the cash to pay it back. If the post dated check goes through I will be in major debt. I wanted to put a stop payment on my check. What action will the lenders take?
Which bank should I try and get an auto loan from?
I have a credit score considered sub-prime. With an income of around 50,000 yearly. Full time employed for 4 years. And no delinquent accounts. Which Canadian bank should I go to and try and get an auto loan? Im not looking for advice on my credit score, I’m simply looking for someone thats willing to work with what I have.””
In dying need of a payday loan?
Plz don’t reply if your info isn’t helpful and SPAM stay away. But every loan I apply for I get rejected, I just need a direct lender that will help out””

Escrow disbursement — customer?? 5th 3rd bank?
my online mortgage account says Esc Disbursement — customer….does this mean they are issuing me my escrow refund? i hold a mortgage with 5th 3rd bank…..usually it says Esc Disbursement — Taxes or Insurance…..thanks
Credit Report File Dispute with Agency or Credit Card Company?
I have many inaccurate reportings on my credit report. I’m wondering if I should send a letter to each credit agency with the accounts that are inaccurate, or should I send a letter to each individual credit card company? I know the credit agency will forward the disputed info to the credit company, but I don’t know how they handle a dispute letter that has say 10 disputed accounts on it.””
How good is a fico score of 790?

Which credit score should I purchase?
Checking my credit history through annualcreditreport, but I also wanted to buy the actual score from one of the three providers (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion). Which one should i buy?””
Statutations limit on collection agency?
I recently received a letter claiming i owed 1600.71 from a krazy kelly’s type place where i bought a tv and vcr under loan payments for two years ,well i missed a couple of payments and they hounded me to no end so i took the tv and vcr back and low and behold 6 months later they went under. I then received a letter in the mail a couple of months later thanking me for my patronage and they were sad to see me stop using their services,so now it’s [get this ]20 years later this was in 1989.their collection company [Aktiv Kapital]use to be wells fargo union.20 years ago ,i can’t believe it!! well, i called the number on the letter and told the guy on the phone what i did back then and told him i don’t think i’m responsible now because i returned the tv and vcr and in perfect condition!He said that doesn’t matter I still owe the money because of the contract being signed.I believe I should not pay because I return the products and received a receipt saying so. what should i do?please be nice ,i don’t think i’m in the wrong!””


How does work?
How much per month? A contract? Do they give you advice on how to improve your score?
Can I use a Visa Gift Card to buy tickets online?
I don’t want to have to buy the gift card to find out I can’t use it. Specifically
How can I consolidate all my debt with bad credit?
I made some major mistakes when I was younger. now I am paying the price for it. worse, my Wife and Children are as well. is there any way for someone with really bad credit to get a consolidation loan with small payments so I can avoid Bankruptcy? even if I file for bankruptcy it would only take care of about half my debt. most of my debt is student loans that I was unable to pay back. most are still deferred but there was one that got away from me so now that one is a few months past due. any advice or help would be Very Greatly Appreciated””
How does debt consolidation affect your credit?
I have a friend that is currently unemployed and in debt approximately 73K. He is receiving a profit on a preconstruction condo unit of 50K. (His first owned property so no tax is required to be paid in Ontario, Canada) As he explains it to me, he has 24K in credit cards(19–23%), 8K in lines of credit (8%), 18K owed to close friends for floating him, 4K in overdraft at the bank, and 18K in student loans. He would also like to store 5K to support himself until he can find work. He wants to know if he went to a debt consolidation company, would they be able to reduce the total amount on credit cards/lines of credit/overdraft to an amount where he can pay off the friends and total reduced debt? What does it typically cost? (I told him approximately 2% of total debt.) His credit score is approximately 620 (so not great). What type of impact would it have on his credit? He asked me if it would be worth it. I don’t know what to tell him. ANY help would be appreciated. Thanks!””
How to check free credit score?
Is there any way I can check my credit score without affecting it. Some says it is it really free?
Does a credit report show where you live/have lived?
I am about to apply for an apartment and was just wondering when they run my credit if it shows where I currently live at. It’s not a big deal, I just am curious what it shows.””
How to make 400 dollars fast?
I want to buy an Ipod Touch 64 GB and its 400 dollars plus something for it which adds up to $422.84 and I need to make some money. Im gonna do some chores like carwashes, cleaning, and taking out the trash and dishes. that all would add up to 90 a month. I need the money in less than 2 months. My friends are gonna chip in and give me 20 so thats 40. I have 60 dollars so far. My mom and dad can’t find about the ipod.””

“Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards?

Is there a scientific name for Diphtheria or do you just name it by Cornye Diptheriae?

Is a 4.69% APR interest rate on an auto loan good or bad?
I was recently approved for a 48 to 60 month auto loan with 4.69% APR on a 2011 model or newer. They told me that the APR was based on my current credit profile. I don’t know what my current credit score is but I think it is average. I have 2 credit cards and a student loan which I pay on time every month. I plan on buying a basic Subaru Forester with no added features as all I can afford with interest rate and tax is $25,000. I would like to know if I am getting a good deal or if I should walk away from this offer. I am in need of a new car since my current car (2001 Jetta) is starting to need a lot repairs and my work requires driving. I also just had a second child and need extra space. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!””
What is a good way for my Fiancee and I to save money?
I am living in the basement of her parents’ home, and the rent is quite affordable. Please tell me, what are some basic ways that my Fiancee and I can save money for the future? Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance! I am looking for any ideas- coupons, buying in bulk, buying sundries at the dollar store, cutting down on gasoline consumption, cheaper car insurance, decreasing the grocery bill, saving money eating out, etc.””
What is a payday loan? Is it worth it?


Is it possible to get a mortgage on a cheap house? Can you finance just $20K?
The house I would like to buy would only cost me about 25,000–30,000 dollars. If i make a down payment of about $5,000, is it realistically possible to get a mortgage for 20,000? I have excellent credit score, but I’ve heard from people that banks would be reluctant about agreeing to a mortgage under 35K. Is this true?””
Where can I find info about the best possible refinance rate on my mortgage without talking to all these banks?
They advertise a low rate but when you actually call, you have to pay a lot of closing costs? Has anyone out there found a good deal lately?””
Can you still rent an apartment after filing for bankruptcy if you are on SSI?
Can you still rent an apartment after filing for bankruptcy if you are on SSI?

Bankruptcy Chapter 13 discharge or dismissed.?
I got a dismissed letter that stated that in exact words of the chapter 13. Trustee shows this court that the estate has been properly and fully administered in aaccordance with the requirements of the bankruptcy code and rules and the steat is ready for closing and prays that a final decree be entered discharging and i got the discharge Then i got a another letter stating order approving standing chapter 13 trustees final report and account and discharging trustee. Combined with notice of the the entry thereof.. Do this mean that i was discharged or dismissed
Are there any hotel websites that don’t charge your credit card right away?
Are there any hotel websites that don’t charge your credit card right away just to make a reservation? I know that and do you know of any that do not?
LIC prepayment charges and options?
2 years back I took a loan of 25 Lacs for 25 years from LIC housing finance. I have some extra cash and want to make part prepayment. I don’t think prepayment can be done via online NEFT trasnfer. I have following questions: 1) Can anyone suggest what is the LIC”””” prepayment process? 2) Is the process very long””
If you have a mortgage who really owns your house ~ you or the bank?
We both ‘own’ our homes. I do not have a mortgage or lien on my home. I do have an RV that the bank and I own….if I do not pay my share then the other half takes my RV.
How soon after a bankruptcy should you get a credit report?


Can I buy a Greyhound Ticket with cash?
Can I buy Greyhound ticket and send it in the mail to my gf?

Anyone realize that credit bureaus are required to give you one free credit report a year?
Good advice MASaint!
Is a pre-approved auto loan a gaurentee?
I recieved a letter in the mail from capital one. I was just wondering if it is a gaurenteed thing. I have an appt with the dealer on tues. I dont want to go if its going to be a no go.
Credit score how do i findout for free?
ok so I can get my credit report for free but how do i get my credit score i need the actual number anyone know where i can go to get this
How do you buy condemned homes?
read the entire entry if you’re going to post..thanks, i’m not interested in the courthouse auctions of foreclosed homes, i dont have that kind of cash/credit for mortgages. A buddy told me that some condemned homes simply dont go up on the auction block because they are too cheap. an example is, i live in pennsylvania, near lancaster city, supposedly theres condemned row homes that are listed for 3k(buy price, not auction) these are the types of houses that you gotta sleep in as you remodel because its in a bad area, yet you will have no problem selling it for about 30k when its finished, rehab is supposedly about 10–15k if totally stripped and condemed(which they usually are). you can drive through these areas and see the condemned homes, and when asking neighbors, they tell you they’ve been like that for years, sometimes 10+years. how does one purchase these properties?? and on a side note, are there ever any other types of homes that dont go up for auction? i know for instance in my neighborhood there is 2 foreclosed homes, one of which has been vacant for 8 years, if i understand right, typically properties go up for auction within 3 years from the date of vacancy, not just the 2 homes in my neighborhood either, within a 20 mile radius i could point out over 20 homes that have been vacant for 5+ years, why dont they go up for auction? how else can i aquire them? i’ve never gone up and read the literature thats always posted on foreclosed homes. Hey, we all gotta start somewhere don’t we? pretty sure this is the bottom of the house flipping business. also any other advice you might have for someone trying to get into house flipping as a career will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.””
“” have you used them?
Looking for a online auto loan company. I was going to use but have heard some bad things about them. This loan is only for 6000. I dont have great credit, so roadloans seemed the way to go. But ive heard bad things, QUESTION-has anyone dealt with Thanks!””
What if an auto loan never got paid?
and what if the loan company charged off”””” on the account… lien holder remains the bank on the registration””
Can Anyone Tell me?
where and how i can find out my credit score and yessss i have already tried and its a rip off you have to pay so if anyone know let me know
“Can i use my horizon credit card at a atm?

