Yoga in React Native: Understanding the Flexbox Layout System

Pasindu Weerakoon
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript. It allows developers to write code that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. One of the key components of React Native is its layout system, which is based on the popular Yoga layout engine. In this article, I will discuss what ‘Yoga’ is, how it works in React Native, and why it is an essential part of building mobile applications.

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What is Yoga?

Yoga is an open-source, cross-platform layout engine that was developed by Facebook. It was designed to work with React Native and provides a flexible, high-performance layout system that can be used to build complex responsive user interfaces. Yoga is based on the Flexbox layout model, which provides a simple and intuitive way to define the layout of a user interface.

How Does Yoga Work in React Native?

Yoga works by taking the layout specifications that are written in React Native code and converting them into the appropriate layout commands that are understood by the native platform. This is done through the use of a native bridge, which is a component of React Native that allows communication between the JavaScript code and the native platform.

The native bridge acts as an intermediary, translating the layout specifications written in React Native code into the appropriate commands for the target platform. These commands are then used by the native platform to lay out the elements of the user interface. This process is seamless and happens in the background, allowing developers to focus on writing high-quality code rather than worrying about platform-specific layout details.

Why is Yoga Important in React Native?

Yoga is important in React Native for several reasons. First, it provides a flexible and powerful layout system that can be used to build complex, responsive user interfaces. This means that developers can create user interfaces that are optimized for different screen sizes, resolutions, and device types, which is essential for building high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications.

Second, Yoga is fast and efficient. It has been optimized for performance and uses advanced techniques, such as pre-calculation and caching, to ensure that layouts are calculated quickly and smoothly. This results in fast, responsive user interfaces that provide a great user experience.

Finally, Yoga is open-source and well-documented. This means that developers can access the source code and use it as a reference when building their own applications. Additionally, there is a large community of developers and experts who are available to help with any questions or issues that may arise.

Benefits of Using Yoga in React Native

Using Yoga in React Native provides several benefits, including:

  • Flexibility: Yoga is based on the Flexbox layout model, which provides a simple and intuitive way to define the layout of a user interface. This makes it easy to create complex, responsive user interfaces that are optimized for different screen sizes and device types.
  • Performance: Yoga has been optimized for performance and uses advanced techniques, such as pre-calculation and caching, to ensure that layouts are calculated quickly and smoothly. This results in fast, responsive user interfaces that provide a great user experience.
  • Community: Yoga is open-source and well-documented, with a large community of developers and experts who are available to help with any questions or issues that may arise.
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How Yoga Works with the UI and JavaScript Layers

Yoga is a layout engine that works in the background to lay out the elements of the user interface. It takes the layout specifications defined in JavaScript code and converts them into the appropriate layout commands for the target platform. These commands are then sent to the native platform, which uses them to render the elements of the user interface. Yoga works seamlessly with both the UI and JavaScript layers, allowing developers to focus on writing high-quality code without worrying about platform-specific layout details. The native bridge acts as an intermediary, translating the layout specifications written in JavaScript into the appropriate commands for the target platform. This process happens in the background, making it easy for developers to create user interfaces that are optimized for different screen sizes, resolutions, and device types.


In conclusion, Yoga is an essential component of React Native and plays a critical role in the layout and performance of mobile applications built using this framework. By leveraging the power of Yoga, developers can create high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications that provide a great user experience.

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Pasindu Weerakoon

Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working on native and hybrid mobile application development.