Introducing…Ben McAvoy

Time for another proper introduction, this time it is the gaffer of WMP.

2 min readNov 25, 2015

Name: Ben McAvoy

Start date with WMP: Founded WMP in September of 2007

First impressions of WMP:

How do I grow this into something memorable?

What does your role involve at WMP:

Mainly day to day management of projects and the team, composing the piano and cinematic orientated projects and generally thinking about how we can get bigger and better and at what we do.

Favourite project so far:

I loved working on the “Lights In The Dark” project with Fallon, Miika Vaso and James Lowery.

What music are you currently listening to:

We’re currently working on a load of songs with toplines and lyrics so I’m listening to loads of commercial records by artists such as Clean Bandit and London Grammar.

…hearing our music on a finished film, whatever the context, no word of a lie it sends shivers down my spine every single time.

If you are not in the WMP studio where would we most likely find you:

Either at home with my family, on a business trip to London or at the pub (the last two are usually the same thing).

What is the best bit about your job?

Two things, firstly hearing our music on a finished film, whatever the context, no word of a lie it sends shivers down my spine every single time. Secondly, hearing one of our writers music, that I’ve had very little to do with, and thinking “Flip me that’s good”.

What has been your proudest moment at WMP so far?

Attending the BAFTAs in 2013 with the feature film “I Am Nasrine” that we’d composed for.

Who would you love to work with in the future? Client or collaboration..

Maybe collaborating with some artists/bands I really admire, I’d love to work with Dancing Years more, maybe Jon Hopkins and Max Richter.

Memorable studio moment…

Sitting in the studio full of six phenomenal people ready to crack on with projects wondering how we got here.

Listen to a few of Ben’s tracks on his portfolio page — click here (Password:ben01)




A team of composers who provide bespoke music and sound design to moving image creators and production companies.