How to fix Javascript… maybe

A plea to the community

4 min readFeb 5, 2016

I’ve done some more thinking about Javascript recently. Not really sure why I think about it so much. Maybe it’s because I love Javascript. Maybe it’s because I see a language that is on the verge of greatness held back not by its syntax and edge cases, but how it is formatted.

Library surplus

Developers want to be known for their creations. Developers want to make a dent in the world. Developers want other developers to use their software. When I was in middle school, I loved to make Dragon Ball Z characters for M.U.G.E.N. After a while though, I wanted to do more. I wanted to make a game engine. I didn’t really give a shit about making a game(at least initially). I wanted people to use my game engine to make a game much like I used M.U.G.E.N. So I read C primer plus and downloaded Allegro. It was kind of dumb looking back on it, but I got pretty far.

I think most developers have this mindset of creating something awesome. I don’t think this explains why we have so many Javascript libraries doing seemingly the same thing with no iteration on the older ones.

No one likes your style

Developers create new libraries because they hate other developers style choices. That’s right I said it. No one wants to iterate on older libraries because they hate what the code looks like.

