Speed It Up! The Viral Evolution of ‘GKD’ from Internet Slang to Cultural Phenomenon

2 min readApr 19, 2024


The phrase “搞快点” (Gao Kuai Dian), abbreviated as “GKD,” transcends its literal meaning of “hurry up” to embody a cultural meme with deep roots in internet humor and urgency. Originating within the vibrant communities of 抽象TV and 修车TV贴吧 — forums under the umbrella of Abstract Studios — this phrase became a clarion call for expedience among its users.


Initially, “GKD” was a playful demand among users to speed up the sharing of information or media, especially in threads where someone posted an enticing image or video without providing enough context or download links. The term was a humorous, impatient nudge to “get on with it,” especially when it came to delivering content that the community eagerly awaited.

However, the utility of “GKD” quickly expanded beyond its origins. It became a universal retort to any delay or procrastination across various online platforms. Whether it was pushing for the next part of a serialized story, requesting funny images or memes, or urging a streamer to proceed with their content — “GKD” became the go-to expression for an internet culture that values speed and instant gratification.

In the realm of esports, like the LPL (League of Legends Pro League), “GKD” found a particular resonance. Whether reacting to game delays, encouraging streamers to provide more “exciting” content, or simply interacting with the live broadcast’s pace, the phrase became synonymous with the community’s playful impatience.

The transformation from “搞快点” to “GKD” reflects not just an evolution in language but also in how internet culture adapts and adopts linguistic shortcuts. The abbreviation “GKD” is quicker to type and resonates with other internet slang like “KKP” and “NMSL,” demonstrating how digital communication constantly seeks efficiency and impact.

