1 min readApr 29, 2016


I just went through a “blocking time”, when I saw myself compelled to block someone I loved, and that surely loved me back, but with whom I had a really confusing relationship. I was not proud of doing that, but I had to because it hurt so much. Now I regret it. It was a little odd because right before blocking I sent a long email basically saying “I can’t act as nothing happened. I love you, but I can’t stand hearing about your life, even though I don’t want to. Sorry, but I have o block you.”. If we didn’t live in different cities as we do now this would have been a face to face conversation, I’m sure. Some time after we started talking again, he began to ghost me. Then I felt it. I’ve learned my lesson… I definitely won’t use that strategy ever again.

I think it’s important to reflect on our behaviour in such situations… Thank you for adressing the issue.




I'm back... Writing and howling under the moonlight. Agora postando textos em português (Brasil)