Will-Power: putting your success within reachThe waiting gap could be a huge determinant for success. Shake off the habit of waiting to feel good about something before you do it, if…Feb 13, 2017Feb 13, 2017
Do these four (4) everyday: A life-changing routineI fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. - Bruce LeeJan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
The three simple words that cause the greatest impactIf I were to give you one of two things, a stone or phone and said it would change your life, which of them would you choose?Jan 9, 2017Jan 9, 2017
Three right books for a RIGHT attitudeEver known a person capable of ruining everything with their attitude? And half the time they don’t even know they did?Oct 19, 2016Oct 19, 2016
Three books to enrich your thinkingWhat books do you read? How do the books you read affect your thinking and perception about success? A successful life requires good…Oct 15, 2016Oct 15, 2016
One mind, one vote!I would of course vote three times if it was legally right. The main goal of this article however is to draw from your sub-conscience your…Oct 9, 2016Oct 9, 2016