Top 10 Minimalist Travel Tips And Packing Hacks

Alex Encounter
14 min readNov 20, 2019
10 minimalist travel tips and packing hacks

So, you’ve decided to travel light for your upcoming adventure? You’ve made up your mind that from now on, you’ll no longer up for dragging around a huge suitcase, possibly breaking your back with a giant oversized backpack, and that cramming a month’s worth of clothes and gadgets into your carry-on just wasn’t doing it for you.

Congratulations! Welcome to the world of minimalist travel.

You have already made the first important step to succeeding in minimalist packing by getting your hands on this e-book and deciding that you’re ready to ditch the kilos of unnecessary clothing and travel with just the bare necessities.

However, if you’re still despairing over the thought of only having 2 outfits for your entire month-long trip, have no fear! Traveling minimally isn’t synonymous with having hardly anything to wear.

It’s more about smart packing, choosing which clothes you need as opposed to which you can live without (for a while!) and utilizing every inch of space in your backpack. Once you master this art of doing more with less, you’ll realize that being more mobile and more comfortable far outweighs having all your favorite clothes with you but feeling like a pack-mule.

