5 Direct Mail Trends That Can Help You Stand out from the Crowd

Wolverine Solutions Group
4 min readMar 27, 2020


Direct mail marketing is one of the oldest and most reliable marketing methods available. Despite the dawn of the digital age, direct mail still generates a high return on investment. Customers enjoy holding a piece of physical mail in their hands, as it feels much more special than opening a mass e-mail.

Over the decades, however, direct mail has evolved a great deal. New trends emerging in 2020 will shift customer expectations and dictate the campaigns that secure the greatest success. Some of the newest trends in direct mail marketing include the following:

1. New formats that push the envelope

For most marketers, postcards and letters remain the cornerstone of direct mail. However, many companies are pushing the envelope — quite literally — to create campaigns that are more engaging and interactive. For example, they are investing more in dimensional pieces, such as boxes and other unexpected formats that generate curiosity. Whether the dimensional mailer includes a model of the product or simply information presented uniquely, it stands out from other mailers.

A handful of companies are even embracing technologies such as augmented reality for a truly interactive piece, but this can be a very expensive strategy. Some cheaper ways to stand out include three-dimensional elements, tear-backs, and distinctive folding patterns.

Photo by sue hughes on Unsplash

2. Messaging that is extremely targeted

Personalization has been a trend in direct mail for several years, as it is proven to generate a greater response from recipients. However, companies can go much further than including the recipient’s name in the mailing. Some marketers are collecting behavioral data on their prospects so they can create highly targeted campaigns.

Today, it is easier than ever to gather information about recipients, including data about driving routes, daily schedules, and family composition. All of these data points can be used to create campaigns that are tailored to each individual. When customers feel singled out by a campaign, they are much more likely to engage. Ideally, marketers use both traditional personalization approaches and targeted marketing to make individuals feel special.

3. An increased emphasis on educational content

Digital media has confirmed that content is king. Companies get the most engagement from customers when they provide high-value content. White papers, blog posts, and similar content drives connection online. This same principle applies to direct mail.

Companies can send their potential customers valuable information that is both personalized and directly connected to a campaign. For example, a fertilizer company could send individuals guides to planting gardens for their specific geographic location and then show how and when the specific product can be applied to get the best result.

Educational materials should address a real problem that people face and offer a creative solution while also pointing to the value of the product or service being sold. More useful material will have a stronger impact on recipients.

4. Integration of campaigns across several channels

Marketers are seeing direct mail as an important part of multichannel marketing, which involves synergizing many different types of communication channels, such as television, print, digital, etc.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

While it may at first seem difficult to integrate direct mail with other approaches to marketing, especially digital, companies have gotten very creative in recent years. Two strategies that have gained some traction in recent years are QR codes and personalized URLs. Both of these can be easily included in a mailer to show customers how to get more information about the product or service.

The value of QR codes and URLs is that companies can limit the information they put on mailers and instead use them to generate enough curiosity that individuals feel compelled to learn more online. Companies should also feel free to use similar themes and imagery in their social media, direct mail, print, and other campaigns. Consistency is a great way to reinforce a message.

5. An emphasis on humanization and authenticity

People today want to interact with companies in very different ways that they have in the past. More than ever before, individuals are interested in the specific politics of the companies that they support and want to know what their money will fund.

Perhaps this larger trend is driven by companies that embrace fair trade practices or donate a portion of each purchase to charity. Regardless, customers want to know the values of the companies they support. For that reason, it’s smart to consider embracing openness and authenticity with your direct mail campaigns. Consumers are more inclined to support a company whose values align with their own, especially if they see how the company gives back to the local and global communities.



Wolverine Solutions Group

Established in 1978, Wolverine Solutions Group has provided communications strategies and solutions for corporate clients for more than four decades.