Web 3 won’t be about your money It will be about your people.

5 min readJan 2, 2022


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Hype Cycle Example. Olga Tarkovsky / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Web 3 won’t be about your money It will be about your people.

Web3 is built around DAO meaning decentralised economy led by the community. The profit you will make around web3 will highly depends on your ability to innovate. Your innovation in your marketing, team structure, organisational behaviours and many other fields. This won’t be about your money, it will be about your ability to change in order to succeed.

Now, economic progress depends more than ever on innovation. And the potential for technology innovation to improve lives has never been greater. Bill gates, co-founder Microsoft.

Already few years ago, If Apple won the computer race with the Mac even if IBM spent 100 times more than Apple in R&D ; this was because of people. If Innovation is the bridge from great profit to amazing profit, It can’t be successful without the appropriate leadership and management and even more in web3 where the dao reshape leadership.

How workforce diversity will be a pillar of blockchain democratisation in web3 ?

The mix of people in organisations in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, age, demographic, socio economic statut will play a big part in web3. Web3 federate people around project that make sense for communities.

A broad range of viewpoints will be essential in order to help organisations better understand a diverse customer base that will lead the decision in web3. Web3 is reshaping the decision making process and customer relation management switch from mid-funnel experience to top of the funnel experience. The role of a diverse marketing is even more important in order to succeed.

lilmiquela dapperlabs metainfluencer

An example of this can be the rise of metainfluencer entirely controled by brands but created in the dao by the communities. Web3 marketing is going beyond collabs, influencer and brands now need to reflect their global market in the dao economy.

“Avatars have become a trendsetting domain for the digital experience, and brands are starting to wake up to that. Many we’ve spoken to over the years have only come back to us in the last six months,” Nevill-Spencer says.

Yoox’s virtual influencer Daisy has collaborated with brands like Polo Ralph Lauren, Persol and New Balance. YOOX

An example reflecting how diversity will be central is Lil Miquela the metainfluencer and her 3 millions instagram followers own by dapperlabs. The metainfluencer is your new CRM tool to share a personalised user journey in a decentralized world in a global environment and this can not be led without a diverse taskforce.

Virtual influencer Lil Miquela wearing a Maisie Wilen co-ord, alongside Simon Miller shoes, By Far handbag and Marc Jacobs towel. LIL MIQUELA/INSTAGRAM

What is effective leadership in web3 organisation where your product are decentralise ?

Effective leadership is essential especially in new organisation building around web3. As the uncertainty level is quite high, It require conceptual skills in order to build, create and go beyond traditional organisation. Many entrepreneurs teamed up and built without even seeing each others. How can they make it a success? In my sense organisation will need :

  • Flexibility ; ability to cope toward the unexpected. Will require highly reactive people.
  • Efficiency ; ability to keep being organised toward the unexpected. Beeing able to get new routines in a new economy.
  • Adaptability ; ability to anticipate new problems, trends, opportunity. Will require proactivity.

The pillars of what constitute a traditional company need to be present in order to build the organisations with your employees and your communities.

As web3 is highly decentralised and involve your final user in your organisation roadmap ; getting a clear view around your project from all your employees is fundamental and you will need:

  • Distinct purpose ; goals everyone will want to accomplish. Even more important in web3 to define as you achieve it with your audience blessing.
  • People ; one personn alone is not an organization and in order to keep beeing competitive and perform people are needed to achieve goals.
  • Deliberate structure ; open or flexible this will define your members relationship.

In web3 we are all learning is the new motto of everyone in the space. This environment you are building in is under constant change that happens at an unprecedented rate. One day China is about to ban crypto, the day after Tencent offer NFTs to his employees for christmas with wechat. Past management approaches created for a stable world no longer apply.

Continuously learn, adapt, change in web3 is essential. Knowledge need to be valued as an important resource in your organisation and especially under web3. This need to be reflected in your business model and in order to build a learning organisation you need :

  • Dynamism instead of Stability.
  • Flexibility instead of Inflexibility.
  • Skills instead of job focus.
  • Work not defined by position but tasks instead of job positions.
  • Team orientation in order to achieve the common goal instead of individualism.
  • Involvement going beyond commandment instead of command oriented.
  • Participation in the decision making process instead of management only taking decision.
  • Customer oriented deliveries instead of rules.
  • Diverse workforce instead of homogeneous.
  • Less boundaries in the involvement instead of strict boundaries.
  • More than hierarchical relationship ; lateral and networked relationship instead of high hierarchy.
  • Work anywhere mindset as the skills are decentralize accross the world and some poeple who never saw each other are building insead of strict work option.

At the end of the day, Web3 is rising and gives a unique opportunity to redefine your organization and the role of each. This will for sure create new jobs and opportunities for those able to understand the power of people prior the power of money because this economy is highly organic and will mean less or even none 3rd parties. Are you ready ?

Learn more on my discord : https://lnkd.in/eKfKzHNM




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