Womenline believes NFTart should be accessible for all and Women should be more represented

2 min readDec 28, 2021


Claire Rozain is the self taught person behind Womenline .

Passionate from an early age by ontological philosophy, drawing - but seeing only from the right eye- ; I want to empower women and the LGBTQ+ community in NFTs and the blockchain. I am trying to bring a better representation of how I see the world as a non binary person with unique representation of women but everyone in the society as well. Drawing is a discipline allowing everyone to transcribe a new outlook on the world exactly as in my sense the metaverse is going to unlock a world where everyone can and must be represented as he/she/them true self. This is a new safe space where people feel confortable ; and I hope people will build such a space for people to share, have equal opportunities to understand and communicate!

Practiced mainly for my personal pleasure and mental health, I will share my few lines with you with my project open on Opensea under Womenline. And I would love to learn, discover and draw you if you join the discord and dm me your picture !
Hoping to introduce you to new characters that are indistinguishable or unnoticed in our lives and bring more visibility, knowledge to them.




Women representation and equality of right toward nfts art and knowledge ! https://opensea.io/Womenline