Pamela FenderDo your research. Abortion is NOT murder. You are a pathetic individual.How in the world do you think it's perfectly fine for mostly "white men" to determine what a woman can and can't do with her own body?Jul 6, 20224Jul 6, 20224
Lon ShapiroIn other words, you don’t like the Federal government telling states what to do, but it’s perfectly…A woman’s right to decide what she does with her body is hers and not the state’s, or anyone else is her family. (It’s a difficult…Nov 19, 2016Nov 19, 2016
Gillian SisleyI can entirely appreciate your struggle here — and in that same breath, your mother’s actions are a…A woman’s singular right to do with and wear her body in whatever way she chooses, based on her personal preference and values.Oct 1, 2019Oct 1, 2019
Scott-Ryan AbtThey'll ban books and a woman's right to have autonomy over her body, but they won't ban guns.May 27, 2022May 27, 2022
Ina Few WordsbywritingelkWomen Dressed in Black | A Poem of the TimesAs the struggle continues in the arena of gender issues, and a woman’s right to have control over her own body, (or the misuse,) versus the…Oct 17, 2023Oct 17, 2023
Christyl Rivers, Phd.For me, the important thing to know is that we can reduce the number of abortions by making them…And, more than anything else, grant a person, a woman, full autonomy over her body. Those who have it do not go on ‘murder’ rampages very…Jul 12, 2019Jul 12, 2019
InEquality Includes YoubyThe Good Men ProjectWhose Body Is it Anyway…?Lauren Yee and David Stanley explore the he said/she said of bodily autonomy and a woman’s right to choose.Sep 19, 20221Sep 19, 20221
Rick FischerDr. Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murder.There are cases of medical necessity for late term abortions. There are also late term abortions done for trivial reasons. No person, even…Nov 16, 2016Nov 16, 2016