How to Perform an Exploratory Data Analysis with Python?

A Simple Step-to-Step Guide to the Analysis of the Predicting Heart Failure Dataset in Jupyter Notebook

Data science & AI Learning Journey


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels


Before we can build and train our model, it is important to get to know our data so that we can decide which model to use. We will perform an Exploratory Data Analysis on the Predicting Heart Failure Dataset. This dataset contains 12 features. We will use these features to predict mortality by heart failure. The aim of this study is to predict whether a patient deceased during the follow-up period or not.


In this article, we would like to discuss:

  • the Purpose of Exploratory Data Analysis,
  • how to start with Exploratory Data Analysis and how to get an initial overview of the data, and
  • how to perform a Univariate and a Bivariate Analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis, short EDA, is an approach to analyse datasets. The purpose of EDA is:

  • to discover patterns within a dataset,
  • to spot anomalies,
  • to form hypotheses about the…



Data science & AI Learning Journey

Software Engineer & ML Research Associate | Passionate about Innovation and Technology