Co-Chairs Stand with NY1 Anchorwomen

Women's Caucus NYC Council
2 min readJul 10, 2019



Contact: Julie Kim,, 646–306–1253

Statement: Co-Chairs of NYC Council Women’s Caucus Stand with NY1 Anchorwomen

CITY HALL — We, the Co-Chairs of the New York City Council Women’s Caucus, firmly stand behind Roma Torre, Jeanine Ramirez, Kristen Shaughnessy, Vivian Lee and Amanda Farinacci, five incredibly accomplished journalists who have boldly come forward with their experiences of systemic age discrimination at NY1.

Tomorrow, as thousands of New Yorkers gather in Lower Manhattan to celebrate the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team historic victory, we cannot ignore these athletes’ arduous journey in advocating for visibility, respect and fair and equal pay. The station’s decision to retaliate against the lawsuit by taking away Roma’s assignment to cover the celebration only adds insult to injury, and violates the values that these athletes are passionately fighting for. NY1 must do better, and we urge management to address these concerns as the lawsuit moves forward.

We recognize that ageism and sexism in the workplace can manifest in different ways, from being denied access to raises or training opportunities to being targeted for layoffs despite being high performers. Sadly, in spite of bringing 100 years of collective experience to the station, all five anchorwomen have routinely been passed over for air time opportunities in favor of men and younger anchors.

No one who has worked to make meaningful contributions in her profession should be made to feel dispensable by her employer. The consistent marginalization that these women have experienced, as well as their recent reports of retaliation by the network, is symptomatic of a broader workplace culture that devalues older women and discourages them from speaking out and seeking justice. We urge employers of every industry — from television to City Hall — to take proactive measures to ensure that all their workers have an opportunity to succeed.




Women's Caucus NYC Council

The Women’s Caucus of the NYC Council seeks to advance women’s rights and promotes the goal of gender equity in New York City.