As Jewish Women, Here’s Why We’re Marching

Women's March
2 min readJan 16, 2019


We are three of the 33 women on the Steering Committee for the 2019 Women’s March. And we’re writing today to tell you why we’re marching as proud Jewish women on Saturday and why we want YOU to join the #WomensWave!

As Jewish women, our values teach us to see justice as rooted in human dignity. As Jewish activist leaders we are making the movement stronger by showing up as our full selves, listening, learning, growing and taking action together. We’re marching for a world where we are all celebrated, not simply tolerated, and where our families and communities can both survive and thrive.

We’re marching because we take anti-semitism very seriously. It cannot be condoned, equivocated or excused. We know better than most how dangerous it is, and the ways it is used to put Jews at risk, undermine our movements, and drive wedges between communities. We’re marching because, as Jewish women of color and as a transgender Jewish woman, we are committed to addressing anti-Black racism and transphobia in Jewish communities and beyond. We believe in the power, importance, and potential of this intersectional, women-led opposition movement. We are excited to have been welcomed into this historic coalition as Jewish leaders.

Show up as your full self on Saturday at the 2019 Women’s March on Washington and tell the world what you’re marching for.

The magic of the Women’s March movement is that it brings so many incredible women from all backgrounds into a room to fight for a shared vision of the world we want to live in. Our collective imaginations as women from different backgrounds — as a team with a transgender Jewish woman and a Palestinian Muslim woman, a 24-year-old anti-rape activist and a 70-year old Civil Rights icon, Black Jewish women and our sisters of other or no faiths, and many others — that’s how we make good trouble. That’s how we make history.

Make history with us again on Saturday, when we rise up as a #WomensWave too powerful to sweep aside.

We’re so proud to join the Women’s March steering committee and to stand with all our sisters and siblings in support of the Women’s Agenda. We look forward to leading with you to move the Women’s March movement forward. We’ll see you in DC!



Women's March

Women’s March builds and mobilizes the largest feminist base in the United States toward a feminist future.