Women Startup Competition’s finalist teams are taking in London this summer

Women Startup Competition
5 min readMay 31, 2017


England, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Poland and the Czech Republic have hosted the International WSC semifinals, where the 7 best teams have been selected to participate in the competition’s 5 day-long intensive Boot-camp and the Final Demo Day in London, UK on the 1st of July 2017. This week, from over 350 applicants, a further 5 teams have been selected by the jury of industry professionals to join the TOP12 Finalists and they are soon to present their innovative ideas and compete among Europe’s prime startups for first place.

The international women startup competitions applications are now closed and the local semifinals have also come to the end this week, where teams could introduce themselves in the form of 2 minutes “Elevator Pitches” in hope for feedback and the golden ticket to the final Demo Day.

„We are overwhelmed by the presence of so many British teams at the competition. Quality wise, the startups came across huge improvements in the last couple of years: not only the teams are even well prepared, but even more enthusiast by introducing their inspiring ideas. “- Andrea Lukacs, WSC CEO

In Europe, Female founded startups are below 15%, while the number of female investors are even lover, around 6%. Women Startup Competition’s goal is to support female founded companies and highlight the importance of female presence at the European startup sector. The WSC team had been on the mission in the past 3 years to support female led businesses, by improving their market strategies and increase their capital.


The fourth Women Startup Competition have welcomed more than 350 online applications. In the last 3 years the number of applications have tripled and the competition helped to raise over 1,36 M dollars’ capital for the participating teams. Teams from 36 countries have applied, mostly from the UK, Poland and Austria. This year the number of male applicants increased but it is still in favor of the ladies by 68/31 percent. However, the ratio of female to male employees is almost balanced among the registered teams (42% female and 57% male employees). The majority of ideas are in the field of medical technologies and health preservation (39%), followed by software development (27%), educational innovations (23%) and last but not at least mobile technology and fashion related ideas (20%). Women Startup Competition has given numerous opportunities for female founders and gender diverse startups, to expand their businesses and meet the investors of their dreams. This year the competition is proud to represent businesses who’s aim is to provide solutions for a wide range of social and economic problems. With prizes like co-working office space, personal mentoring and tickets to several international conferences WSC offers a chance to network and possible promotion for all lucky participants.

„The reason why I like our diversified most talented online jury, is because they are able to raise the most relevant questions and frame their opinions based on professional experience in the selection process, that are vital for decision making, but sometimes vanish due to the limited time given, during the elevation pitches. This way, we could base our decisions in the most firm professional ground when nominating those 12 teams who can participate in the training and competition in London.”- Tamas Muller, founder of WCS.


  1. FashionTouri (AUSTRIA) is a mapping and shopping platform that connects tourist attractions with popular, local fashion gems. The startup supplies new roadmaps that may lead to a rethinking to established local well-known, famous brands and inconspicuous treasures.
  2. Frusack (CZECH REPUBLIC) is a compostable reusable shopping bag for fruits and vegetables.
  3. Pragulic (CZECH REPUBLIC), a fantastic solution developed by a team of young people who want to change the public opinion of the homeless and make it easier for people without homes to return to ordinary social life.
  4. Twipes (UNITED KINGDOM) is an anti-bacterial, eco-friendly toilet wipes that are fully water-dispersible. Anti-bacterial, alcohol free and paraben free, they don’t dry out and most importantly, each Twipe is 100% dispersible in water within 3 hours, unlike traditional “flushable” branded wipes, that can take up to 3 months or even years.
  5. Tespack (FINLAND) is a company providing a complete mobile energy experience by creating commercially ready Smart Wear for the consumer sector. As the next generation’s Mobile Energy company, they are combining latest technology and connectivity with premium design and top it with technology that solves smart wear devices’ biggest problems: battery life and connectivity.
  6. vHeart (CROATIA) is a smart telemedicine platform supporting a multitude of portable, FDA-approved ECG devices that is empowered by machine learning technology. Connected with a smartphone, tablet or any other personal device, it creates a continuous communication channel between patients and their cardiologist, offers real-time ECG interpretation, and provides an instant diagnosis.
  7. PelviFly (POLAND) is an e-health in pelvic floor muscles training with the use of a wireless intravaginal probe cooperating with the mobile application. The concept is supplemented by a remote, daily feedback provided by physiotherapist based on data transmitted from the device via the smartphone to a computer database.
  8. MagikMe (HUNGARY) is an inclusive playground concept, where children with special needs can play together safely and comfortably with their siblings and other children. Daydreaming became reality, and a team was gathered from fellow parents with disabled kids and parents simply looking for a good cause to create playground tools that can be installed at any playground.
  9. HeatVentors (HUNGARY) introduced the idea of an innovative thermal energy storage with phase change materials,which can increase the energy efficiency by 20% and decrease the size to the 1/8th.
  10. MealSaver (GERMANY), as a social startup aims to prevent food waste by matching restaurants with hungry customers. With the app, you can see delicious dishes offered near you for you to take. “Save a meal, make a deal” is their slogan.
  11. FoPo (GERMANY) gives new life to expiring fruits & veggies from groceries by drying & powdering them, saving food waste & help end world hunger!
  12. Joinmamas (RUSSIA) is a mobile app designed to bring together local mothers with the same interests and kids of the same age in order to meet up for mutual support and sharing of ideas.




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