The Allure of The Black Man

It is an interesting time in our history to discuss interracial dating and mating. In some ways. America’s historical racism has been revealed again. Yet, hundreds of millions worldwide support the Black Lives Matter movement and hate what we see in our politics and cities.

When I tell people I favor black men, frequently, I’m accused of being a fetishist. I’m not at all…the truth is my first profound love was a black man, and it’s been part of my life ever since. I’m married to a great white man, but I prefer my lover to be black. (We are a poly-flavored cuck couple). Here is why I find black men so compelling:

Black skin is thick and lush, sensual when I touch it, like satin and velvet in the flesh. So the first time I caressed black skin, it felt like a luxury I shouldn’t be able to afford. I craved black touch more strongly than Carrie Bradshaw craved Manolo Blahnik shoes. However, I did have a perfectly acceptable explanation for my interest. I used that excuse of “lack-of-available-white-partners” thinking to explain my fascination with black men most of my adult life. But that isn’t true for me. I want my lover to be black, even though plenty of white men are available.

It is no secret that women largely become invisible in American culture after a certain age. So what do we do if we still want active, exciting sex lives? Black men seem…



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