5 Mindfulness Practices for Busy Women

Women Unite
4 min readMar 7, 2024


Life can get pretty busy, juggling so many things at once — work, self-care, family, pursuing your dreams, and so much more. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed and stressed in the chaos of it all. This is why it is important to find moments of peace and clarity as often as you can. Mindfulness practices can bring you peace and clarity whenever you need it most.

Mindfulness practices focus your awareness on the present moment. If you are a busy woman, these practices can significantly improve your well-being and overall health as long as you’re consistent and persistent with them.

What Are The 5 Practices?

1. The One-Minute Breathing Break:

In your busy schedule, there may be times when you get overwhelmed. During these moments all you need is 1 minute to just breathe and reset your nervous system. Set the time on your phone and try this simple breathing technique. Close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 2, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6. Repeat this pattern for the entire minute visualizing the tension flowing away with each exhale. Breathing is a very powerful tool that you can use at any point in your day to counteract the overwhelm of being busy.

2. The 5–4–3–2–1 Grounding Technique

Being busy with all your daily to-do’s can sometimes cause stress. You can bring yourself back to the present moment from a stressful situation by practicing this simple grounding technique. As you follow this technique, the use of your senses will help you to recenter yourself and return to the present moment. Begin by facing straight forward, close your eyes, take 5 deep breaths, and then open your eyes. Look as slowly as you can from right to left of the space you are in and identify the following: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. With this technique, you can also switch the numbers to match whichever sense you like.

3. Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude is a very powerful mindfulness practice for your well-being and overall mental health. You can use a dedicated gratitude journal, your journal that you already have or you can simply say your list out loud. Before you get out of bed each morning, close your eyes, and take a few minutes to acknowledge 3 things that you are grateful for. Your list can include anything, from a refreshing glass of water to a beautiful home. Gratitude helps you to shift your vibrations and puts you in a state of peacefulness.

4. Mini Meditation

Meditation is one of the best mindfulness practices that you can use. As a busy woman, you may not have an entire hour to dedicate to meditation. But who says you need to meditate for an entire hour to benefit? Something as simple as 5 minutes of mindful meditation can work like magic. Take a moment, set the timer on your phone, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breath. As you sit in silent meditation allow the thoughts to flow without judgment, and use your breath to guide you back to the present moment if your mind begins to wander.

5. A Quick Stretch

Our bodies hold a lot throughout the day and many times there is tension built up where you may not even notice. Take a moment, even 5 minutes at any point in your busy day to become aware of the areas of your body that are tensed and need a little release. Once you become aware of your body, do a simple stretch to release the tension that has built up. For example if you notice your neck and shoulders are tight or stiff, some simple neck and shoulder rolls will help you to release the tension. For added bonus close your eyes and really feel into the stretch and also use your breath picturing the tension releasing from your body on each exhale.

Mindfulness practices are not a “one-and-done”, instead they are more effective when you incorporate them into your daily life as much as you possibly can — be consistent and persistent. It’s not about achieving perfection with these practices, the goal is to cultivate a more present and gentle relationship with yourself. Constantly staying busy without a moment of pause is not a sustainable way to live. Many of these practices can be done in under 5 minutes so there is no way you can use the excuse of “I don’t have enough time.” Make time for yourself daily — start with 5 minutes — you deserve a moment of peace.

If you need a supportive community of women who are also on their own journeys of mindfulness, then the Women Unite family is the perfect place for you. Having a tribe where you can share your experiences, uplift each other, and embrace mindful living with open hearts will help you tremendously on your mindfulness journey.

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