5 Ways to Combat Burnout as a Woman (& Stay Sane)

Women Unite
4 min readMar 21, 2024


Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

We live in a society that treats productivity as an indication of our worth, makes it seem like we need to earn rest, and has us feel like exhaustion is a badge of honor. As women, every day we juggle numerous roles and responsibilities — family needs, personal dreams, career goals — and ever so often that feeling of exhaustion begins to come around. There are so many things pulling and tugging our attention and energy in every direction that eventually, burnout starts creeping in. But here’s the truth — you are strong, capable, and deserve rejuvenation and rest.

As we deal with the responsibilities and roles in our lives, we often forget that we also need to practice self-care. But it’s important to remember that our well-being is non-negotiable. Let’s put burn-out on the back seat and take the driver’s seat to reclaim our health and sanity.

#1. Boundaries are Beautiful

Let’s be honest, as women we have all been conditioned to say yes to everyone and everything else while putting our own well-being on the back burner. If nobody told you before — “no” is a complete sentence — and oftentimes it is in your best interest to say no. Too many times we take on more than we can truly manage because we are afraid to disappoint others.

It’s time to start setting healthy boundaries and this is not selfish, it is vital for self-care!

Think about it this way: would you expect your phone battery to last all day if you never plugged it in to recharge? The same goes for you! Say no to any emotional burdens, unrealistic deadlines, or any extra commitments so that you can focus your energy on the things that truly matter.

Don’t just set the boundaries — enforce and respect them too — this allows others to respect them too and creates a more balanced, healthier environment for you to thrive in.

#2. Recharge Rituals

Prioritize YOU Time: It’s Not Selfish!

Self-care is oftentimes viewed as a luxury BUT it is actually a necessity! Get into the habit of scheduling your self-care activities in your calendar just as you would an important meeting. Self-care activities don’t have to be the fancy spa treatments that many people share on social media — instead, they can be anything that brings you joy and replenishes your energy.

Something as simple as lighting some candles and taking a warm bath, reading a book, blasting some music in your living room for a dance session, taking a nature walk or joining a yoga session can be your self-care activity. What matters most is that it rejuvenates you, brings you joy, and replenishes your energy.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” — Anne Lamott

#3. Embrace Imperfection: You Are Enough, Exactly As You Are

Striving for perfection is a recipe for burnout!

Perfection is an unattainable goal, we all make mistakes and this is unavoidable. We often pressure ourselves to be Wonder Woman but this is not necessary — we are just making things more difficult for ourselves, working and pushing to burnout.

Let go of perfectionism and focus on the progress you are making. Get into the habit of celebrating your wins, no matter how small they may be. As a human, you will make mistakes so learn from them instead of seeing them as negatives.

#4. Sisterhood is Strength

Surround yourself with women who inspire, uplift, and understand you. Having a supportive community can offer a listening ear and words of encouragement when you are feeling overwhelmed. The Women Unite community is a welcoming space where you can connect with like-minded women who share your experiences.

#5. Move Your Body & Unleash Your Happy Hormones

Physical activity is great for combating burnout. Moving your body helps you to release endorphins — the feel-good chemicals that elevate your mood and reduce stress. So exercise is not just about looking good, you are also supporting your overall well-being.

Don’t think of exercise as just being in the gym — it can be anything you love that gets your body moving — a dance class, taking a nature walk, or a yoga flow.

We know you’re amazing, but even the most incredible women need support. That’s where Women Unite comes in. We’re a vibrant community of women cheering each other on, sharing tips, and building each other up.

Try out these recommendations to helo you tackle burnout and let us know how they work for you. If there are tips of your own, share them in the comments so that we can all help each other to combat burnout.

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