Entering into the Iamverse: THE FUTURE IS HERE!

Women Unite
3 min readJul 8, 2023


The dawn of the metaverse is upon us. But even more significantly, Iamverse and the news that electrifies the digital realm is groundbreaking. Three visionary powerhouses, along with Master Sri Akarshana’s community — come together to unite as Creators of the Iamverse, to find the conscious individuals of earth, to empower them in all pillars of their life, health, relationships, wealth and purpose. And now they have unified to create a metaverse that will revolutionize the way we interact, connect, and express ourselves in the digital world. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey into the future of hyper realistic virtual reality.

The Metaverse, a virtual universe where people can engage, socialize, and explore, is no longer a distant concept confined to science fiction. It is becoming a tangible reality, and these trailblazing entities, under the Iamverse umbrella are at the forefront of this seismic shift.

Women Unite NFT, a force for empowerment and change, brings its dedication to uplifting women and celebrating their achievements. SuperCreator, an innovative initiative, empowers creators to become more so they can give more. Everyone should step into their higher powers, the world needs SuperHeroes after all. The 108 Circle, a community driven by spirituality, Master Sri Akarshana and the energies that work through him. It fosters spiritual growth, awareness, and physical practices that go well beyond the tangible reality. Iamverse is the Universe. It’s the bridge between reality and our dreams of what the future holds.

A World of Possibilities

Imagine a virtual landscape where you can become immersed in breathtaking environments, explore the Universe, establish meaningful connections, attend captivating events, operate business, and unleash your creativity like never before. The possibilities are limitless.

Through this collaboration, artists and creators will have a platform to showcase their digital art, music, and performances, and the entertainment, product and service industries will be able to transcend physical limitations. Communities will converge, fostering connections and collaborations across borders. Empowerment will be at the heart of it all, as life is amplified, enhanced, celebrated, and shared on a global scale.

Iamverse will be a vibrant ecosystem where innovation thrives. Cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will blur the lines between the digital and physical realms, enabling immersive experiences that ignite the imagination.

Imagine attending live concerts by your favorite artists, from the comfort of your own home. Imagine establishing deep connections with people from all across the globe and be able to know how they really are. This is not a pixelated metaverse, it is built to be hyper realistic where details of avatars are lifelike and incredibly representative of the person which they are. Picture exploring fantastical worlds, interacting with AI-driven characters, and embarking on quests with friends from different corners of the globe. The possibilities are limitless.

The excitement is palpable, as we embark on this thrilling journey into the metaverse. The convergence of technology & reality will redefine the way we experience and interact with the digital world. Brace yourself for a future where imagination knows no bounds, where connections transcend physical limitations, and where the power of unity creates a digital tapestry that embraces diversity and celebrates the human spirit.

Iamverse becoming the Metaverse is not just an idea — it is an imminent reality that promises to reshape the way we live, create, conduct business and connect. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of infinite possibilities, where dreams become digital experiences, and the Iamverse Meta becomes our new frontier.

Be the first to get announcements and updates on Iamverse. Join the community behind the projects with Master Sri Akarshana, SuperCreator NFT, Women Unite NFT, Angela P. Quintero and the whole team at Iamverse. The future is coming, and it’s brimming with boundless potential and opportunities for those that are ready to embrace it. Are you prepared to step into the Iamverse?

