Do You Still Believe In ‘’TRUE — LOVE”

4 min readSep 5, 2023


Are you among the peoples that say and believe that love is a scam or setup, then keep reading to find out something?

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Disclaimer: This article you are about to read now is not meant to change your motive (mindset) on love life but to make you realize the mistakes you are suppose to take note of.

The body of this article is going to focus on this sentence- “you are responsible for the intakes of whatever you digest”-don’t worry I will break it down to your perceptive, just keep scrolling. As our faces, hand marks and hand writings differs, so does our choices and mindset differs also but the only thing that will not be seen as a difference is that fact that you keep disclosing your weakness for people to hurt you with it then you end up blaming it on love forgetting you are the cause of your problem, yes you heard me so kindly read it again before proceeding, Now let me burst your bubbles.

· You should have known by now that you are not suppose to use your past hectic love life experience to judge your recent journey because baring it in mind will make you see others the same way.

· You should have known by now that people change when they meet new persons because beautiful faces surround the universe so don’t give your 100% trust to anybody in the name of love apart from your family.

· You should have known by now that love doesn’t pity anybody in times of jeopardy when you lose yourself and get carried away instead of being conscious of your actions.

· You should have also known by now that you are not suppose to share all your secret details to anybody in the name of love especially the once that are so dare to you.

· You should have known by now that everybody is not the same so don’t expect your relationships to go your ways every time, just see adaptation as the superb key.

· You are to see any relationship you are into as a trainer that is building your experience to a standard marriage life, so make sure you learn from your past experiences and not talk bad about love in general.

· You should have also known by now that some individuals are just there to manipulate and take advantage of you so be very careful to know who rides with you before giving your full attention to anybody.

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Mean while I wrote an article on “ How To Know A True Love’’ so endeavor checking it out to avoid losing one in the name of being careful when it comes to true love.

One thing you should know is this, as life is made up of ‘ups and down’ so is relationship filled with ‘sweet and bitter’ just know that it will suck at some point along the process, and as long as you still haven’t meet your life time partner it most get complicated one day have that in mind. The point here is for you to be careful in the journey of your love life to not do or say things that may be use to hurt or hunt you down after a breakup, because those are the things that will trigger your negative mindset to be qualifying love as trash forgetting there are sweet and stunning relationships out there.

If you are a MALE reading this knowledge, I advice you check out this article on “Things To Never Tell A Woman In A Relationship’’ to be more elevated in your love life.

And as a FEMALE, also check out “How To Know A Player In A Relationship” to avoid getting played.

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CONCLUSION: Don’t force love, rather allow it to occur in its due time because rushed things doesn’t last and end well but on regrets. THANKS FOR READING.





I Write on self improvement, relationship, and retiree's. My aim here is to lecture you on the things to know and connect with positive mindsets with ambitions.